Minimum Wye

Hi guys,

I am wondering…What is the minimum physical dimension for a WYE? I am speaking in terms of HO scale.

I have tried designing one using my Atlas RightTrack software. They seem to be large.


A wye with minimum radius curves will take up a little less width than a turnback curve and somewhat more length than a circle. Where a wye can be most useful is in an inside corner on a shelf layout. The stub end can go into that otherwise dead space where the two walls meet.

This assumes curves in the 18" - 24" range, locomotive (only) between switch points and bumper on the spur end.

That would depend on the minimum radius curve one is willing to use in it.

The smallest physical wye is constructed with three “wye” turnouts. A full section 18" curve and 1/3 section 18" curve between each turnout. You can also substitute a full section 15" curve for an even smaller footprint. I have made a similar wye with 22" curves and easily placed it in the corner of a two foot wide “L” shaped layout.