I have modified the sticky, which should be gone in about 12 days or less because I purposefully made it time-limited, to get attention. I had hoped it was a stroke of genius, but instead I am humbled by the errant human…again. I still had to move a post dealing with O gauge this very morning.
Meanwhile, Bergie has gone into the masthead descriptions of both confused fora and altered them, hopefully to help stem the flow of misplaced posts. Short of an outright name-change, I don’t know what else will work.
Let’s hope this combination slows it down at least. I will keep looking-in to see if I can tidy up any loose ends. Please continue to answer, one of you, with the standard, “Your post is best dealt with over in “name” forum. Please post it over there where you will get much more help,” and I will move it when I look. I try to drop in here twice a day…so it shouldn’t be too long if you can be patient.
I have made this a sticky for three (3) days, after which it will begin to slide down the first page and out of sight. I also do not invite comment…so no replies are permitted. If you wish to comment, please send me a pm or an email.