Missouri inviting comments on rail plan, including passenger service extensions

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Missouri inviting comments on rail plan, including passenger service extensions

They need to hold open meetings in Omaha, NE. The talk has been flying around for years on an Amtrak route from Omaha to K.C. but hasn’t seemed to pick up speed. It would be nice to see an Amtrak run from Omaha thru to Kansas City and then catch the “Missouri River Runner” to St. Louis. A great alternative to flying and more scenic!

Seems odd that Missouri would propose to carry passengers from St. Jos. to KC via Omaha? Maybe it’s KC to Omaha via St Joe?

Fix the corridor that is up and running now. Double-track the remainder of the current route, and then look for additional routes.

I cannot believe that new routes are being cosidered other than service to Missouri’s third largest city, Springfield (or it was when I grew up in Missouri). The route between Springfield and St Louis goes through Rolla and that being a college town town would generate a lot of traffic on the weekends to St Louis and Springfield. There was nothing to do there on the weekend when I was a student except for the diversions that 4000 engineering students would devise, thus the school’s reputation. Every other weekend a significant part of the student population would go home to St Louis.

Or is the Oracle from Omaha blocking the Springfield to St Louis route making the route betwen KC and Omaha over the UP more likely to actually happen.

If the St. Louis to Springfield route happens, perhaps it could be extended to Branson. Or the Branson Scenic RR could extend to Springfield.

Also, it would make sense to extend the route to OK City to connect with Heartland Flyer.

What we really need is a St Louis to Indy and east.

If the St. Louis to Springfield route happens, perhaps it could be extended to Branson. Or the Branson Scenic RR could extend to Springfield.

Also, it would make sense to extend the route to OK City to connect with Heartland Flyer.

What we really need is a St Louis to Indy and east.

The St. Louis Springfield route has Ft. Leonard Wood as a possible revenue producer. Also a rail link from Springfield to Branson would be popular.

A good friend of mine who is a seasoned conductor with BNSF
had a discussion with me about the distant possibility of Amtrak service from Omaha to Kansas City (through St. Joseph, MO). He said passenger traffic in Lincoln (Capitol City
of Nebraska and a major University sees much more patronage
than in Omaha. Therefore, a proposed route from Lincoln to Kansas City would be more feasible than Omaha. Lincoln has a more direct route over the “St. Joe Sub.” to K.C. It is a better maintained line and would make more since. But Nebraska would have to cough up money for operations in the Corn Husker state. Anyone else agree on this one?

In response to Mr. Suter. Extending the route from St. Louis, through Springfield, to Oklahoma City would be extremely hard to do (although reviving the route of the former Meteor and Will Rogers would be wonderful). The state of Oklahoma owns the former Frisco from Oklhaoma City to Tulas, and I am told by a relative who formerly did track work for the Santa Fe that line is not in good shape. I’m assuming the BNSF has better maintained the former Frisco main line between Tulsa and St. Louis, which would enable using that route.

One idea I have not seen discussed is the use of rail instead of the planned “trucks only” version of Interstate 70 between St. Louis and Kansas City. Why not drive the trucks onto flats, provide a couple passenger cars for the drivers and give them a five hour break? At $300 or so for the cost of diesel for each truck, the fare wouldn’t be much higher. Get away from roomettes and coach seats by installing slightly angled lie flat airline style business class seats and a couple showers.