Mixing AF and Lionel.

I have a Lionel postwar layout and was wondering how well American Flyer accessories (whistling billboard & semaphore man) mixed with Lionel power. I can’t think of a good reason that the AF stuff wouldn’t work on my Lionel transformer (both low voltage AC) but I wanted to make sure BEFORE I hooked the wires up!



They will work fine.Many layouts combine items from both companies.


I use the old AF Oil Drum Loader as well as the Water Tank on my “O” layout. Had to increase the height of the loader a bit. Joe

AF is also a natural mix with Marx! The tin AF Mystic station is a great complement to the Marx Girard station. I have the oil drum loader, water tank and magnetic crane, too.

While AF is probably too small up against O scale, it’s ideal for O27 equipment, most of which scales closer to S anyway.

A lot of the Flyer accessories are a bit big for S, so they look fine with O. I’ve got a repro Flyer log loader on my layout. It’s great.

And for that matter, I found a couple of Flyer car bodies at a swap meet. I paid $1 each for them, took 'em home and slapped O gauge trucks on them. Bingo, cheap O27 cars.

It’s like making a pot of chili or a stew. A little Am. Flyer, a little Lionel, sprinkle in some Marx, and you have a great layout.

I’ve even seen dual-gauge layouts with a loop or two of AF, elevated, with the larger Lionel trains running on lower levels. Those are cool too, if you have the space to do it.

dual gauge yuo know what i fouund at a show a while back, a s/o crossover how bazar to make ti even werder it was on a curve a o-27 to the left and a af to the right werd huh. dident buy it though too rusty and i dont have af i also thought would it be posible to put af and linoel on the same main linelike this

________________________________________________linoel outside
________________________________________________af rail
________________________________________________linoel inside

________________________________________________linoel outside ( af second rail )

Yeah, that dual guage setup should work. I think Scott Smith did the same thing with O gauge and standard gauge with a shared center rail.