Mixing Poly Scale and Floquil? Gloss Coat?

I’m going to need a gloss coat for decals and final coating for a paint project and I’m wondering if I can use Poly Scale Clear Gloss over Floquil paint?

The body color (Santa Fe Mineral Brown) only comes in Floquil, and I prefer to use Floquil when airbrushing. But I don’t think Floquil has a clear gloss…although I could be wrong on this.

What do you all use for a gloss coat for decals? I also will have to shoot more gloss after applying the decals because this is an O scale repaint and the rest of my Lionel, K-Line, etc cars all have a gloss finish.


They call it Crystal-Cote: http://www.testors.com/category/133537/Clears

As noted Floquil does make clear gloss coatings, available in bottles for airbrushing or in rattle cans for us lazy people. But one paint (either organic solvent based or acrylic) can be used over the other so long as the underlying coat is dry. And not just dry to the touch but really dry, as in at least overnight.

Good luck!

For gloss finishes, I use Testors Glosscote. You can also mix it, in varying proportions, with Dullcote to get various versions of semi-gloss.


Thanks all for the info. Super helpful.