I write from Spain, this it is my first intervention and for it I request them they forgive my inexperience.
I realize a study on the locomotives diesel that Alco sold to Spain from the year 1954.
The first locomotive came to Spain in June, 1954, she was of the model for exportation E1953 and was coming painted with the colors that she had when she constructed Mlw.
These colors were, according to the description of some persons who her saw, aul, bone and yellow but, according to Mlw’s catalogue they were red and blue.
The problem is in that the photo of the catalogue is identical with color on the base with black and white, with which it she is not very trustworthy.
For it, I request that if someone has some photography in color or it she has the certainty of the same ones it makes it know.
Thank you very much, they excuse my scanty knowledge of his language and happy new year.

Could THIS be the color scheme you’re looking for?? (bone and yellow) RENFE

Is true that Spain haves the same gauge like in U.S.A./Canda -1,676 mm? Is that valable to Mexico too?

The Spanish railways (RENFE) use 5’ 3" gauge, the same as Ireland and some parts of Australia. Mexico uses standard gauge of 4’ 8 1/2", the same as the U.S.A., Canada and Europe except Spain and Ireland.

No, that color scheme is the colors of COMSA, a spanish company. The colors I´m looking for are the original scheme of the prototype of ALCO, of the year 1953. The locomotive was working on the construction of the US Naval Station of Rota in the years 1955 and 56, with that scheme.

Estimado Sr.

Yo puedo contestar tan en la idioma suya tambien como en lengua universal ferroviaria. Entre 1,979 y 1,986 yo hice muchos diapositivos de las locomotoras 1600, 1800 y 2100 en lugares Andaluz, Gallego, y en las cercanias de Madrid. Fue un articulo in la revista americana Trains en mese Abril y Mayo 1,986 sobre la tema de las machina Alco en Espana y Portugal. Antes de verde con franjas amarillas, la esquema fue plata con franjas verdes como La Marilyn. Para facilitar un dialogo, escribame al dirreccion Con antelacion,
Jim Warsher
Rutland, Vermont USA

Apologies to any English speakers who might take offense – there are probably some out there!