An ad, here on this forum for a service in Moscow? In Cerilic?

OK, but I am sure that I’ll not be visiting there any time soon.

How many modelers do we have down in Brighton Beach (Brooklyn). Most of the shop signs there are in Russian


I learned to read Cyrillic playing the game Geoguesser. A lot of their words are very similar, if not the same, as our words. Words like video, film, photograph, terminal, and stop, are basically the same as ours, they’re just spelled with Cyrillic letters.

In the pic above, the word “ВИДЕО” is our word “video”. And “МУЗьІКА” is “music” with an ‘A’ on the end. The ‘ь’ symbol has no sound of its own. It modifies the letter before it.

Steve S

When I (briefly) studied Russian, I thought many bad things about a guy who would feel the need to invent a whole new alphabet. Then I changed over to Spanish.


At least he adopted some Greek letters, which makes it easier for me to figure things out.

Steve S

Looks like a porno place with that XXX sign.