Hello all. I’m new to the forum and the hobby, so bear with me.
My son and I just ordered a case (100 pcs) of Model Power Code 100 Nickel Silver flex track, along with some other nickel silver Atlas track. When the MP nickel silver track arrived, we noticed that the rails had a light goldish color to them, and the Atlas nickel silver track pieces did not. The Atlas rails are just silver looking.
I am wondering if the Model Power rails are normally a different color then the Atlas rails? Or, did I receive the wrong type of track, maybe brass?
Thanks for any help, advice and pictures you can provide.
Since I haven’t been, “Up close and personal,” with MP flex, I can’t say for sure - but I have encountered some other flex with that light golden glow, including some Atlas. Brass doesn’t have a light sheen, it is a deep yellow-orange that oxidizes to a brownish hue.
It’s possible that the ‘gold’ is a bit of residue from the rail drawing process. Try wiping the railheads with a pad soaked in rubbing alcohol (from the medicine cabinet) and see what, if anything, happens.
The other possibility is that the manufacturer used a slightly different alloy mixture than normal. If that’s the case, it shouldn’t cause any problems.
I agree, it is likely an impurity or a variation in alloy composition, but not likely to be a serious issue. In fact, if you are thinking about rusting up or weathering your rails at some point, it will all be moot; the top coat will render it all looking the same.