Model Railroad Club Cars

I received a club car via USPS the other day. I collect club cars that look prototype. The boxcar car I received has the logo on the right and dimentional data, capacity data and reporting marks and number all on the left side under their roads slogan. All this info was not centered. To me this looked very unprototypical ! Sure some roads did this but it was very rare. I just did not like the unbalanced look. To correct this I sanded off all the info on the left side of the car except their slogan. From my white decal box I found the correct font for their club (RR Roman) and centered the reporting marks, number and capacity data under the slogan. I than applied the dimentional data on the lower right side in the last full panel. Next I weathered and dullcoated the car. Wow, what a difference! Their slogan is Chicago-St. Louis Same Day Service, a perfect fit for my East St.Louis Rail Group routing sceme.