Model Railroad Design Firms/Individuals

I was in a similar situation to yours. I had a train room in my basement approximately 21’ x 28’ with a door at one corner. I wanted an N-scale design that was around the walls with a “J” shaped peninsula extending out into the center of the room to utilize that space. I built the benchwork with that general design in mind. After several attempts at doing a track plan by myself, without satisfactory results, I turned to Byron Henderson for a design last year. Working with Byron is an iterative process similar to designing a house with an architect. He completed my plan in October and did an outstanding job. Working with him was a great experience. At the start, I also had to get on his waiting list. I can tell you it was well worth the wait. I would strongly suggest you pay his deposit and get on his list, you’ll not regret it. The good thing about Byron’s track plans is that they incorporate his extensive knowledge of both track planning and operational planning. He was able to give me a track plan that fit my existing benchwork and will be interesting to operate.

If you do decide to go with Byron’s planning service, you can use the down time until he can start on your design to review some of the many books available on track planning, e.g. John Armstrong’s “Track Planning for Realistic Operation”, among others. I’d also suggest strongly that regardless who you go with, to look at Byron’s website with regard to the list of questions that you need to answer before either you or someone else does a plan.

If you need any more info.on my experience working with Byron, send me a direct Message and I’ll be happy to respond.


Thanks, I will certainly keep it in mind!

The Ferroequinologist - Sent you an email, not sure if you got it?