Model Railroad in a swimming pool

Model railroads can be found in many different places—basements, attics, garages, living rooms, even a long-distance truck cab. But this is the first time I’ve heard of one in a swimming pool. But that’s what a modeller in Ontario is doing.

Photos of the layout’s construction can be found on my blog at

John Longhurst, Winnipeg

I think if I had a pool, I’d still spend more time in the RR room, so why not? As far as negotiations with the wife though, I can’t imagine anything getting a veto faster!

Now I’d like to see when someone figures out how to build a G scale RR out of a golf course. Dan

I suspect that putting a Garden Railway in place of our outdoor pool would land me in divorce court.

The title of this post got me thinking of trains running under water in a pool. But the pool has been drained, covered over with a floor above with the layout on benchwork. With the money he saves on pool maintenance he could build a really nice layout as it looks like he is doing.