Model Railroad Promotional Day at The Western Reserve Model Railroad Museum

4th Annual NMRA Div 5 Promotional Day Expo

Saturday, Nov. 3, 2007

10:00 am to 5:00 pm

Western Reserve Model Railroad Museum

7471 Tyler Blvd, unit L

Mentor, Ohio 44060

Clinics - Engine Pulling Contest - Operating and Train Running

[dinner] Refreshments [dinner]

Come and join the Fun [:D]



We had a great trun out, over 800 visitors came through the Museum. I was beat by the end of the day. It was great to see so many young one that loved trains.

Tom, you are getting some great crowds at the museum. How are you advertising the open houses? [tup]

HI Buceye-

Of cousre we have a spot on WWW.TRAINS.COM and also OGR. We also place a PSA in local papers, AAA paper and Family Planing paper. It looks like it’s working!

Also we use our sign in sheet to email all that have visited us in the past.