I picked up a zen garden at Dollar Tree for a dollar. Then I got the idea to create a model railroading zen garden. I put the kit together this afternoon and added the Atlas track.

Looks kind of peaceful I thought. But a little empty…

I added an AHM gondola with gravel load. I think it blends right in.

This shot below feels very zen. I think I just created a new art form.### Zen garden railroad layouts with white sand, rocks and bonzai trees.

Somehow my P2K Wabash SW9 looks a little fidgety sitting there, like he wants to get back to work switching at the yard. See how the gon blended in and this fella doesn’t? There IS a Feng Shui to all this…

Thanks for looking!### Robby

Be sure to post a picture once the Bonzai trees get up and trimmed.

Have fun,

Ha ha … I love it!

sand makes for interesting ballast, i see. Be sure to get a money tree for your zen garden to bring riches to your model RR.

A perfect blend of ballast, rails, ties, and Zen. [:)]


Cool! A Zen-Set switcher.


And Zen what???[(-D]

LOL! Und zen vee add feeduhz und elektrik to make it do vat ve vahnt.

(…I hope that doesn’t go too far.)

… sounds more German than Japanese to me, Crandell [(-D] Have you been watching “Allo, Allo” lately?

How about MR running a feature on Feng Shui and model railroading?

Yeah and when the trains rumble past the sand gets “quick” and your engines sink! lol


I feel more peaceful already. OOOOOHHHHMMMMMMMMM!