Model railroaded build series

Does anyone remember what years that Model Railroaded built a track in a series in which they added a rock quarry onto the side of the layout lower than the original layout? I believe it dealt with the Wisconsin Central or was in Wisconsin. It was a series over a couple of magazines. Maybe late 90’s or early 2000’s.

The Winter Hill series built a quarry branch line on their Milwaukee Racine & Troy RR. They used the quarry previously built by Gordon Odegard. Maybe someone with archive access can find the original quarry build.

I am pretty sure it was the appalacian central.

Appalachian CentralScale: N (1:160)Size: 5’-7" x 7’-0"Prototype: free-lancedPeriod: todayStyle: islandMainline run: 22 feetMinimum radius: 9¾" Maximum grade: 2 percentOriginally appeared in the January 2000 issue of Model Railroaderm

That trackplan is on the MR site and it also appeared in a Kalmbach book Project Railroads You Can Build, which is on Google books, and I’m not seeing a quarry.

The Wisconsin Central project actually did have that as part of it. That was in the late 1997 timeframe, into 1998. I believe this will be Dec of 1997 or Jan of 1998 that you are looking for. I remember because those were the first two issues I ever purchased.

A below-ground quarry was part of the N scale Wisconsin Central series, as others have noted. The description of building the quarry itself was in the March 1998 issue of Model Railroader.

The 9-part series began in July 1997.

I think you are right about the wisconsin central.


Thanks for the info. This is the crusher/loader they used in the original plan.

Yes, this is the plan I was talking about. Does anyone have a copy of the plan, or is it in the track plan database.

How do I insert a picture from a cell phone? I have the track plan on my cell. Thanks to a guy on Facebook Wisconsin Central modelers

I believe the only way to upload a picture on this site is through a hosting site like Photobucket. Then click on the “add picture” button and copy the link into it.


The Photobucket site is down and according to their twitter stream “Update: Our team is currently working on some intermittent issues with the site. You may not be able to access your account during this time.” this was at 10:30 EDT today. may work for you. The link has to end in a picture type extension like .jpg There is a detailed post on how to post photos in the general forum