Model Railroader DVD's

Maybe this topic has been covered, but I was visiting one of my hunting forums 's & the subscribers to that magazine as well have been receiving dvd’s & a medallion such as subscribers to this magazine without asking for them. That reminded me about the dvd that Model Railroader has sent & been hounding me. Anybody else ?

actually, MRR sent me the DVD with the medallion and i enjoyed it and kept it…the dream / plan / build video was a hit and i hope they send me more soon…hope you haven’t been hunting with *** chaney lately…[:D]…chuck

They sent me one. I was going to return it, but I reread the transmittal letter several times and I realized I was NOT obligated to either buy or return it! So, I kept it. They’ve been hounding me for months to return it, but the mailer has been at the landfill for about 4 months now.

I intended to return mine but since I destroyed the box when I got it, I kept it. And yeah I paid for it. Good old midwestern protestant guilt I guess …
One complaint I have heard about the Dream Plan Build series is that it is all old material from other Kalmbach vids. I was re reading the 1984 Model Railroader and they filmed large parts of their 50th anniversary conference. To my knowledge none of that has ever been released commercially and one would think there would be usable material there. Seeing a craftsman like Al Turner build a car out of styrene should be worthwhile even if the film itself is a bit old
Dave Nelson

I thought all the prototype stories and layout visits on the DVD were familiar when I watched it. I then realized I had seen it all before on the Tracks Ahead show. The only new things on it were the actual modeling tip segments.

I realized the Layouts where from old tracks Ahead’s too. You got to admit tho they are noce layouts but you would figure with Kalmbach being an underwritter for Tracks Ahead that they would use their videos, but then they are also close to the NMRA why not see what thy got for videos. I do like the actual modeling tips on the DVD specially the lighting. I thought my layout was a bit bright with 8 canisters on 16 foot track. I have been meaning to send in my 9.00 for a longtime just slips the young worn out mind and with taking care of my semi disabled mother ( hardly can walk needs a walker and takes her a long time to get to The kitchen to the living room) things just get lost in the shuffle

i subscribe to the mag but i never received the dvd.don’t have a player yet but i would probably have kept it also.don’t know what the asking price is.i’ve never seen the tracks ahead show.the only train related shows i see is on RFD channel.when i get a player and more funds im going to start buying the video’s as i enjoy this type of info.terry…

I like many others reveived the DVD and found it was rehashed info. I decided to keep the DVD because I was too lazy to go to the PO with it. I have since got three letters from Kalmbach asking me what my decision is going to be, return the DVD or subscribe. Oddly enough the third option (keep it and don’t subscribe to further DVD’s) was not mentioned until the last letter. Frankly I found it quite annoying to continue to get letters from them when they sent the DVD to me unsolicited to start with. I guess I should call them to give them peace of mind.

Legally, you do not have to return any unsolicited material that arrives through the mail (even if it’s a Mercedes) and you can feel free to simply throw the “reminders” away. They can send the “reminders” all they want (it’s their dime) but they can not attempt to collect from you (i.e., report you to credit services, etc.). This is not the same, for you stamp collectors, as material sent “on approval” since you requested that material.

As an aside, I have enjoyed both DVD’s I received. I don’t get the chance to see Tracks Ahead often so most of the material is new to me. $20 is a little pricey but certainly better than the cost and quality of some other DVD’s that I have purchased recently for a whole lot more.


As I am relatively new to this hobby, I decided to keep and pay for them. What is old news to some, is new news to me. There are many different mediums today used for learning. Some learn better by watching, some by reading and some by doing.

Tom Bryant_MR I’m of the same opinion. I’ve been in to model railroading off and on for the better part of my adult life. I’ve only recently decided to subscribe to the magazine. I kept and paid for the first DVD and just received my second this week. I think I’ll probably keep all the DVDs unless they become redundant. So far alot of the content has been helpful.

They have been bothering me for a couple of months about buying this DVD. If you look at the letter I don’t see a place to check off "I’m keeping the DVD, I’m considering it a gift and don’t send me anymore letters about it. I e-mailed them asking them to stop. In the future I will just write “return to sender” on the envelope.


The DVD’s are very good & everyone can learn something new from them. I was gonna pay for it & recieve more, but I just think that’s a dirty tactic to use. Other magazines do this as well .

I think it is a so-so collection of old Tracks Ahead stuff with a few tidbits thrown in. To me it is not worth $9 let alone $20. But what bothers me even more is that : 1. they try to get you to commit to buying more without telling you how much they are. and 2. I am apalled and saddened that Kalmbach would stoop to such shoddy marketing tactics. I have been in model railroading, and a subscriber to MR, off and on, for over 50 years. I’d hate to think that some “marketing genius” thought up this sceme and that Kalmbach fell for it. As far as I am concerned it tarnished the admiration I had for them. Shame!
jc5729 John Colley Port Townsend, WA

how much did they charge you for the second DVD?

They sent me a DVD and I’m keeping it.

Come to think about it I got the DVD also but due to some sudden health problems I have never got around to viewing it. I have yet to hear for MR and hope I don’t. I agree with Johncolley some marketin nut must have sold them a bill of goods( also known as as how to tick off a lot of royal subscribers). Phil

The second DVD is $24 after you pay shipping and handling. I would pay $9 for them like the first DVD was but $24 is too steep for the content that is included. There isn’t anything you can’t find on the 'net for free.


[#ditto] i agree completely with all that johncolley said.

I think I’m just gonna keep the DVD. Of course I subscribe to MRR and pay their full subscription price. I think they ought to send every subscriber a free DVD a couple of times a year (That’ll happen.)

The is some good material on the DVD but $24 each is not a very good value.

I wonder how many they sold, how many were kept and how many were returned (and did they really send those returned to other subscribers?)

There’s a poll about this on the Gauge.