Model Railroader Fourms Photo Contest!

All you need to do is submit your best photo.It can be a layout or engine photo. Its that simple! Contest ends on January 30th 2008. Goood Luck!

So let me get this straight, you want us to submit a photo to this thread and then at your deadline someone will judge them? How many can we submit?

Being that he said PHOTO (singular) I would imagine he means one.

And what do we win ?

And who gets to judge the entry photos?

The poster of the pic will have to post a name for his/her pic. Then people will vote for their favorite pic. The rules are kind of like Space Mouse’s 4X8 Desgin Contest.

A: Forums is spelled wrong.

B: If it is to be official, have you asked Bergie?

You cry babies ask too many questions and are just haggling him. Then there is the back seat moderator that nobody can stand. Either post a picture or leave it be.

How can Bergie come here? I never see him anywhere!

What is the picture being judged on? The most real? The best picture? Are night pics allowed? Please specify what the parameters for judging are. Sorry To ask but My layout is still under contruction so I will not have the realism but will having fun posting anyway.

Now, now. Let the kid try have his photo contest. He’s only mimicing what was just in MR.

There is no ‘real’ contest. No judges, judging or prizes? Just some kid on a computer who needs to do his homework.

OK, why not…?

Even though I don’t know the rules, who’s judging, what the winning criteria are, or what the prize is, [[:-^]], here’s a photo to get you started…

I call it “Loads eastbound, empties westbound” and it depicts coal hauling operations on my N scale Pennsylvania RR in July, 1956. The scene was inspired by Spruce Creek, PA near Altoona on the real PRR. The cars are mainly Bowser, Atlas, and MicroTrains hoppers with a Bowser N5 cabin car. The locomotive is a kitbashed Kato 2-8-2 with a GHQ PRR L1s conversion kit. I used Paint Shop Pro 7 to clone out the layout edge and add smoke effects.

Here is my picture for the contest:

It’s from my Royal Gorge Hanging Bridge test module.

The name of the picture is Royal Gorge.

Here’s mine. MGRy 471 heading up an eastbounder.

“Going Retro”

Loading by hand into a Nothern Pacific Boxcar.

Here’s mine

Railroad Modeling is pretty broad, I’d have like a contests with more defined boundries, like say night shots…nevertheless, here’s a shot I took of my work at the club.

Sorry, I’m out. I can’t compete with those guys. Nice work boys!

The tail end of the Breen Turn passes through downtown Upper Millers Cove. This turn is on the way down to Hillside Junction by way of Hillside Tunnel. The train engineer must keep an eye on the speed as the train moves down a constant 2% grade, slowing for the Millwood bridge, slowing more for the tunnel, and then having to stop at the junction.