Model Railroader hits it out of the park.....

I like Rod’s layout,but folks like drama. What they need is a Tony Koester type who is interested primarily in opration,lets assume and pair him up with say Malcom Furlow a more visual sort of guy and watch them tangle over how a Model Railroad should be built. Or just go to club meeetings and watch the drama. Never mind their religion or politics, their Model railroad philosphy would provide the action.We could call it The Layout Turns,or Petticoat Junction.[:P]

I am not into drama, couldn’t care less.I have to admire Rod Stewarts skills and his persistence to achieve a goal in something he is passionate about with his modelling.
I have a friend of mine I share another hobby-passion with and he is considerd a celebrity, as he is a very well known actor, and made an aviation movie several years ago.At a recent aviation event we were working on a project together when he was approached by the media.He had had his fill of these idiots, and told me and several of the rest of our group,“I’m just going to blow their little game all apart.”

He started talking about our project, when this female reporter said the same thng’Well that’s nice, but we are more interested in your views on the present situation in Iraq."
He stood there and glared this female news reporter in the face,removed his aviators shades, and looked her square in the eyes and said “Lady do you know while we stand here and enjoy this wonderful event, people are dying, people are sometimes going days without a bath or shower, sleeping in the sand in 100 plus heat,maybe not getting regular meals, having bombs thrown at them,getting shot at, not able to see their familes for over a year at a time?”
“They are doing this for ALL of US here, to protect our freedom, JUSTso you can stand there and ask me an idiotic question like this!!”
“If you people want to ask us about this project and these kids we are helping here, that’s fine, and by the way, all of these kids here today are the sons and daughters of soldiers, sailors, marines and air force in Iraq and the middle east, and your are wasting my valuable time I would rather spend with these kids than an idiot like you.”
Then he spun around, put his shades backon and was grinning from ear to ear with his famous grin, walked back over and said,“okay kids, I have 3 seats available on my airplane, who’s next in line for a ride?”
The female reporter

One thing to keep in mind-now that we kinda know now the “celebrities” who are model railroaders, wouldn’t it be great if we were to by chance meet one of them-& we can say
“I’m a model railroader too like you.” Who knows-you really might get their attention with that. [%-)]


My friends brother, when he travels or does interviews, or is working on a movie as an actor, or director, he likes to dig up a local phone book, and start mapping out hobby shops, then scrounge a car, and go browse around, or try and find local train clubs he can visit
He ends up in a lot of hotels like Rod Stewart, and he’s not a drinker or party guy, so he likes to find something to do with trains if he can.He’s been known to just go hang out at a LHS wherever he is and shoot the bull with guys.
Sometimes he’ll look for auctions going on and go see what he can find in collectble train stuff.
My friend, like his brother, will find the closest airportand go see what’s going on.
Their Dad has an externsive collection of pictures of the Santa Fe, and Southen Pacific he used to ride on a lot during business trips years ago.
The nice thing about the whole family is they are just plain and simple down to earth folks.


I know very little about Rod Stewart, I guess I don’t follow his music. I know the name but that is about all.

I think it is nice that celeb’s are involved with the hobby, or any hobby, I can imagine the pressure of living in that lifestyle and how draining it can be. The layout is top drawer, and the fact he built the majority of it and continues to do so speaks very well of his abilities. But I have never personally been on the “Joe does it so I will to because Joe is an actor/singer/sports hero.” I model trains because it reminds me of my childhood as the son of a railroad engineer who loved his work and his Santa Fe. He got me started with trains at age 6 months when my first Lionel train was under the tree. He also spent a lot of time, even though he was on duty 6 days a week, working with me to build the layout, teaching me about modeling, teaching me about the railroad industry.

So I guess my dad was much more of a celebrity and hero to me than any entertainer.


OK Rod Stewart. Where’s your CD of Train Songs? Or be the next Mr Conductor for Thomas the Trains? (Maybe Ringo could be your brakeman or something)