Model railroader

Has it ever been thought of or tried to offer Model railroader magazine in PDF format? It would be much easier to store back issues rather than tons of printed material.
just curious

[#welcome] Alco-John

That’s a question better answered by other Forum Members. Whether there is merit to it, I would have to say yes and no. Yes it would be excellent for doing research and referencing, especially when doing a project and you know you saw how to do a particular thing but can’t remember where the article is. No, because not all of us how access to computers when we want to. Personally I take my MR to places where I have to wait to see someone or If I wi***o do a bit of reading before I go to sleep. Hard o sleep with a PC in the bunk!

This is one of those questions that can also be answered by a poll and if you look at the top of this page you’ll see that “Post a New Poll” is an option available and used by many of us.

Once again Welcome

Did you get the idea from the new heading on MR’s main page (on the left)? It leads to the following: “Coming in November! Information Station
Past articles from Model Railroader magazine bundled into downloadable PDFs”

It’s a start anyway.

Bob Boudreau

Thanks for the reply and welcome, you do have a good point about not being able to take a computer copy with you some places, the reason I was asking is that I am in the process of sorting out 20 + years or more of back issues stored in my garage where space is at a premium. Perhaps MR to offer both with the option to print out certain artices for personal use only.

fundy northern, I did not the see the article mentioned, just thought I would ask for the above reason
Thanks again for such a warm welcome[:)]

That’s a very good idea - would be good to see back issues of MR put online as PDFs - that way, if someone doesn’t have an article they need for their modelling, they could simply go and download it. I agree with Fergie about portability - having to print the PDF out would be a pain, however, I think it would be worthwhile for the older articles - would make them available to new modellers who don’t have a stack of back issues in the basement!