As a kid, and I will assume I am not alone in this crowd… I recieved a trainset for Christmas and after that I was sort of just left to deal with it on my own… Well I got the train bug in a bad way, but have only had a couple of occasions on which to do a (semi)permanent layout… A few years ago we bought a house that was just plain NOT suited for a model railroad of any type, not even a good place in the attic for a shelf… We sold that house and moved to an apartment, where I did a series of diorama’s to give away as Christmas gifts, just so I could model something… Well, our lease came up and we bought another house… This one has a very nicely appointed attached garage, and we have decided to put a family room out there, and my wife (bloody brilliant woman) suggested that I not only build a model railroad, but do it as a project book, to help others do the same… Even added a line item to the monthly budget for limited expenses… My literary agent doesn’t do craft/hobby, or technical books, so that will be homework for later, but if anyone is interested in progress reports on the project or trading tips about the MR hobby, or just to shoot the breeze, please email
I’m sure there are many out there who would love to see your progress. Over on the model railroad forum’s general discussion, there is a recurring thread called Weekend Photo Fun in which people share their progress with everyone else. It’s a lot of fun.