Model Railroading Podcast. . .

I stumbled across the model railroading podcast this evening.

You can access from iTunes. I haven’t listened yet but it should be interesting.

Hey now, that is a great alternative media source. I listened to the first 15 minutes of the installment (1:33:47 total running time) from April and I like the idea of a radio show style that I can listen to on the way to or from work or at my leisure. And the advertisements are all model railroading oriented. I’ll be working on the layout tomorrow, might have to play the entire show in the train room tomorrow.



Just so everybody knows, you don’t have to have iTunes to listen to these. Any media player that can handle streaming audio can pick these up, and most of the podcasts are available as downloadable mp3’s as well. Which means that you could burn a copy to a cd (for personal use only), and listen to it anywhere that you have a cd player that can play mp3’s. (dial-up alert: although they’ve been zipped for quicker downloads, the files are over 100 MB’s each)

Thanks! I was just about to ask that.[tup]

I’ve already downloaded them and played the first one on Media Player (Series 9).