Tis the season for dreaming and hopes of scale goodies for our model railroads and since this is the time of dreaming, I for one would dream for a room full of electric trains like we had as kids. Sure model railroads are fun, I sometimes wish I could set up a 3-rail layout on the floor. Maybe this wasn’t true model railroading or was it??? A lot of us got our start this way and many of us have only memories left of those days but wouldn’t it be nice to revisit. After all, we mimicked the real railroads with those Lionels,Marx and American-Flyers and we are still doing it with our high teck and highly scaled layouts we are building now. Not much difference if you think about it. Ken
i will drink to that [:D] (when i am 21) why dont you try setting up a train around the tree??? Tim
Although O scale equiptment is typically referred to as “toys”, it still looks like model railroading to me. And you can make it even more like HO railroading if you built a real railroad-oriented style layout, or you could just run them in circles.
Many of us still remember the Sears Roebuck Christmas lionel displays with what seemed every item in the catolog on the layout. That’s why my HO layout looks that way. Three roundie rounds in 4X6 on the dinning room table. Fun and model railroading is some thing different to us all and that is what makes this hobby so much fun. I don’t count rivits but then if someone else does that is ok with me. Phil
just as watching snowplows when i was 4 wasnt exactly the insaciable car lust of today, it is where i started. in fact, it was about this time 7 long years ago that my train hobby started with an oval and 1 spur of ho snap trak, a union pacific gp38 high nose, a dozen frieght cars, and an empty corner of the living room.
we all enjoy those nastalgic memories and i personally love the feeling. i say go ahead nad buy a 3 rail set and run it on the floor.