Model trains in the future?

If maybe someday technology say from UFOs trickles down to trains, wouldn’t it be fun to have a layout with trains that levitate as they pass over the track? No more sticky reverse units, replacement of traction tires. No more TMCC, just a lot of RF goofing up everything else on in the house.

If they don’t touch the track, are they really trains? If they no longer make the nice clickety-clack sound as they cruise the rails, what’s the fun in running them? Sorry if I’ve gone OT, but I like my trains to take me back.

I’m waiting for figures that move! [(-D] But I’d settle for automobiles that don’t need slotted streets! [(-D]



Personally, I’d be interested in O gauge moving in the direction of our larger outdoor brethren - running R/C with rechargeable-battery-operated engines.

Levitation? I’d like to see someone make a UNI RAIL, and power it with electo magnets. Might be cool?



Call me old-fashioned but I’m with scrambler 81 on this. Having only run a train with a transformer, that’s how I’m basing my opinion from though. Uni Rail - Laz - might be interesting but really different. Balidas - Railsounds are cool but, if the cars on the tracks don’t make thier own sounds, I think it takes some enjoyment out of it. Just my opinion.

Maybe part of it is the sounds, but also that’s how our dad or grandfather did it. Maybe that’s part of the enjoyment I get running my Pre War stuff. Can’t imagine my clockwork levitating, but in the future who knows???


Doug - Now that’s a good idea. It can even be solar powered! Panels on an O scaled building or trainhouse as the engine is parked it will charging. Now you can call me oldfashioned!



Ask and you shall have, voila something I saw on the other forum. Check it out…



I must tell you some time about another kind of train. A train that doesn’t need any tracks…Really. Remind me in the morning and I’ll tell you all about it.

Sound IS an issue. Maybe what we should hope for is safe, reliable miniaturization? Real steam sounds, real diesel rumble, etc. I’d love to use live steamers but #1 there’s the cost, but also there’s the serious risk of blowing yourself up or at least losing a hand and your eyebrows. I’d have to believe that by this point in time we should have the kind of computer control neccessary to make reliable plug and play O and S gauge live steamers. Call it “Rail By Wire” to borrow from aviation terminology.

Whatever some of you have been smoking puhleeze save some for me! I don’t want a train that doesn’t do the clickety-clack thing and I have to have the smell of ozone and transformers.

I’ve been thinking about that movie since this thread started.