Model Trains

Hi all

Im looking to buy a model train for my son, ive seen some great ones on Has anyone ever bought anything from them or know anything about them.



Think we need more info, such as…“O” gauge? U.S. or other prototypes? Age of your son? Where do you live? Welcome aboard! Joe

Hi Dave;
First time I ever heard of MK modelraiways, can not say anything for or against except the company sounds very new as I looked at the website.
Are you on a budget? If so Williams Electric trains are reasonbly priced and good quality for a starter set, be sure to get the tracks with the set from Williams as they sell a lot of trains only(no track).
If looking for a local dealer try Classic Toy Trains ads.
Lee F. in West Palm Beach FL

Hi Dave,
This is a shop. They are based in the town famous for its concrete
cows! and roundabouts… Milton Keynes. [:D]
Are you in the UK?

If you like the British 00 scale outline models try or Bachmann.
If its the HO continental models try Marklin or Fleischmann or
Hornby International.

I live in the UK but we have gone over to the Dark side with Lionel O.[;)]