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Modeler’s Spotlight Video for April 22, 2010 – Inside Cody’s Office
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Modeler’s Spotlight Video for April 22, 2010 – Inside Cody’s Office
hey cody cool tips
These scenery tips will come in handy when I add more scenery to my layout! Can’t wait for the next issue!
Hey Cody, when do we see your layout?
Great show as usual. Question: What are the yellow and white stripes that are beginning to show up more and more on railcars? I assume they are for safety. Some are vertical while others are horizontal and when did this practice begin?
Cameron White
PS: Go Cardinals!
Four comments about Cody’s scenery tips. First even though paint on the lid is a convenient source for paint, if the brush is picking up bits of stuff as it paints on the surface that will be transmitted to the lid, and in turn transmitted to the can of paint. Maybe no harm no foul here, but I think it is a good habit to get into to pour out an isolated supply of paint and never contaminate your source.
Comment 2 is that I always try to add a bit of water based paint to my Scuptamold so that it isn’t dead white.
Third, a pipette, intended to deliver a measured amount of liquid, is exceptionally useful for situations where control is needed, such as applying ballast glue to a turnout and all other ballasting, but for large swaths of scenic work I would suggest something that delivers more product (without being wasteful), such as a medical type eyedropper. A soft drink straw can be cut down into a crude (and very generous) pipette as well.
#4 if new scenic foam seems too bright then an india ink/alcohol mix tones it down versus the pure alcohol that makes the foam adhere to the cement.
Hello guys,
How about a segment on how you use lighting, camera settings, etc. to get those spectacular shots you have in your magazine.
I look forward to “Cody’s office” and the great videos!
Great show, just curious, what is your favorite railroad?
Hey, Guys!
Another great production from MR. I really enjoy the modeling tip section of the show.
One thing to remember is that you can’t be hesitant to get started…even on a test piece! I painted a LOT of backdrop before I got just what I wanted…all on a six foot long shelf on an easel! Then I took the refined methods & colors and went to the actual backdrop and off it went.
NEVER be afraid to do it over! As you get better you may wish to do the very first section again anyway!
You mentioned matching older sections of scenery…perhaps a tip on refurbishing a spot and blending in the new to the old would help a lot of folks?
Great work! Looking forward to the next!
What a treat to be sitting up on my April 22nd birthday at 2 AM CST and watching the new “Cody’s Office”. I felt so special even getting a special feature with this installment!
WOW, I’ve turned into a 52 year old geezer!
Great show as always! How about those palm trees from a few episodes ago for a birthday present? Can’t blame a “geezer” for asking!
Hey Cody,
I like the special feature and the back issue articles shown during viewer mail, from what it looks like, you guys seem to have like a MR yearbook or something. Is this true? If so, could the MR staff create an annual yearbook as a bonus for subscribers at an extra charge? Thanks, can’t wait for the 100th episode!
How do you get rid of the white spots from ISO Alcohol if you had sprayed it on plastic or the backdrop?
When will we see MRR Podcasts or a MRR APP for the IPhone?
Another great episode keep up the great work……
I also enjoy David’s perspective…it’s nice when he steps in front of the camera for a segment of Cody’s Office!
Thank you for that short course on scenery!!
I have noticed that this installment is number 97, is there going to be a special 100th episode? Seems like a great land mark and should be highlighted.
Loved the photo shoot segment. It’s fun to see how you guys put together such a great magazine. Keep up the great work!
You mentioned that some parts of the layout were over 20 years old… how about an article on rehabbing your layout? Many people don’t have a need or desire to rip out sections of a layout and start over but would like to “freshen up” the look of a layout… years of dust and UV fading makes a layout look dull… any tips on brightening it up?
Cody, and Staff at MR,
Great episode as always, alot of great scenery tips. I try and just use an old margerine tub for a small amout or paint, or scenery area. You can buy pipe ettes in different sizes as well, just have to do some research on where to find them. I usually just paint earth brown, and do scenery over this, with different grasses and ground foam.
Great photos for the August cover as well.
Thanks cody,
Finally the baseball saeason is upon us for 2010. Your scenery tips are very useful as I am new to model railroading and felt very lost in the dark until I subscribed to MR. I am looking forward to the August issue for tips on turnouts, which is another scary task for me. Keep the outstanding videos coming. I might have my layout completed by 2012.
Another great video Cody et al.
I was wondering about the culvert and ditch on the MR&T where Cody did the painting. How was that done?