Modeler's spotlight video for December 17, 2009 -- Inside Cody's Office

One more thing: make sure you take the price tag off!

It sure looks like Cody graduated from my alma mater of gift wrapping. Can you say gift bag?

Cody - are you kidding me?!?! How to wrap a box?

Hi Cody
Great show as usual.
The wrapping was great.
How about a show on DCC wiring with a signal system?
Just a thought.
To everyone at Model Railroader.
Thanks for another year of great shows and information.
Keep them coming in 2010.
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Great New Year.

Merry Christmas to Dave and Cody and the whole staff at MRR!! Great job guys !!

another great show. merry christmas to every one at mr.


Thank you for saying Merry Christmas!

I dont think Cody worked at Penney’s at Christmas (Part Time) wrapping presents. HAHAHA

Hi Cody,
Merry Christmas to you and your Associates.
I was a little disappointed in the amount of paper you wasted wrapping that present. I usually set the box on the edge of the paper and roll it over four times and then leave about another inch, at the same time just leave about two inches for a box that size on the ends. You can make much neater folds for the ends than what you did. The main thing is, with the paper you used you could have wrapped another present. But I guess Wisconsin has lots of trees and you don’t mind cutting them down. They are probably hauled by the WSOR anyway.
Thanks for a great year of MR. and Cody’s Office. You all do a professional job, and I appreciate it.
R. John Callan

And a MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you too !

How LAME! If you need instructions in wrapping a rectangle, you shouldn’t be in modeling…you should be making wover-rag pot-holders or lanyards.

Wow! I usually learn a lot from Cody’s modeling tips. This week I am feeling pretty slick because when it comes to wrapping train boxes, I believe my modeling skills are just about as good as Cody’s!

Merry Christmas!!

It looks like you were more than a little bit wasteful with the wrapping paper. If you measure out how much is needed before cutting, you can save enough to wrap a few more gifts. The old woodworking rule applies here too: Measure Twice, Cut Once!
MERRY CHRISTMAS! Looking forward to seeing mor shows next year.

Hi,Cody,I ever would know,how must I wrap up Christmas gifts-thank you,that you have show them :wink:

Gee, what…a…surprise.
Who would have thought Cody would be receiving the gift???

Merry Christmas to everyone at Kalmbach Publishing.

A lump of coal would make a great gift for a model railroader. Just crush it up and use it to fill a steam locomotive tender, a couple hopper cars, or as a scenic detail near a coaling tower or coal dealer!

Hey Cody if my wife seen the way you wrapped that box she would have a fit.

Slow week Cody!


I was happy to see/hear you wish your readers a Merry Christmas.

I’d like to wish you and all the staff at MR a Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year.

Keep up the great work, I look forward to Cody’s Office and the other subscriber content each week.

Bill Gibson

“To Cody from Cody, My other brother must have sent me a gift”???

LOL. Not sure how many people caught that at the end there, but you have been watching too many Newhart re-runs!