Modeler's spotlight video for February 5, 2009 -- Inside Cody's Office

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Modeler’s spotlight video for February 5, 2009 – Inside Cody’s Office

I really enjoyed this month’s Cody’s Office Episode and it was
great to see David’s N Scale Layout. It looks like it’s coming
along very well. Good job, David. The Winsted Extension also
looks great and I’m sure when it’s complete, it will more than
likely be second to none. Is the layout a point to point, or is it
looped on both ends for continuous running?

Last year, when renewall time approached, I thought about “not”.
But then I started watching “The Office”, and my MR enthusiasm returned.
Thanks, Cody and all the rest of the crew!

Great episode guys! It was nice to see modelrailroaders in their natural habitat (the basement). By the way, Ingrad, you can cut those tomatoes on the bias as well. (LOL)

…and so, how was the meat loaf??


This would be a great podcast. There aren’t any US Model RR podcasts currently. I look forward to these videos. Keep up the good work.

Love it , want to see more of it! I like to see David’s N scale layout is still growing.

Thanks, This was a great episode. I’m glad to see that Davids Layout is till getting bigger as it’s one of my top ten. Hope to see some more of it and also the MR&T too.

I was hopeing to see a few op sessions. maybe follow a train a week.

Thanks again

great show cody really liked see the layout. and ilove meatloaf. keep up the good work.

Great job as usual. Maybe you could get something going with the Food Channel.

Hi Cody!
Enjoyed you responce from David’s place. I also enjoyed the fact that someone is doing a layout on a small, New England town. I almost bought a piece of land overlooking the valley the railroad traveled, but I got a better deal hear in Massachussetts. I was going to do a layout on Winstead, but with so few details on the railroaad in the archives ( as David is finding out), I decided to g back home to model the Mon-Yough area instead.
Hope you enjoyed the potatoes and meat loaf. I would have hade some Hot-Buttered-Ginger Beets to the menu as well.
Hope to respond to more of your features in the future. jim

Cody, I admire your talent very muvh. Uou and David show me sooo much I wonder if I’ll ever finish. Working and spending time with the grand daughters (two of which have already finished their model railroad. I started over three years ago and all I have done is put up my track and a few structures. I have plans that include old Comisky park, yards, a depot, a Brill trolley that can take passengers from the depot to the ballpark and of course hotel. I have a Walthers firehouse that I am thinking could work both as police and fire. Do you think it’s feesable?


Wonderful job Cody, David, and wife. Last episode reminded me that we (readers) have hardly seen the MR&T, much less a track plan or complete scene, as well as the new and improved Naugatuck Valley RR. So perhaps you could create an updated track plan of David’s layout and/or a tour of the MR&T. Good job with the cleanup. LOCL (Love Of Cody’s Laughs)

I’m in high school and I know a few people in our school that do model railroading. Do you have any ideas how we could start a club?
By the way, great show Cody and Dave!

Great series and always entertaining. How do your colleagues let you get away with wearing a MN Twins baseball hat in Brewer country?

The show is excellent!

Wow, first time checking out this feature. Really cool. I hope Cody didnt work to hard at Davids house. lol Les Cramer

Nice change of pace having the show from davids home! I really enjoy the humor you guys have, it adds a lot to the show!

I love the disclaimer that says “no one became seriously ill as a result of the food shown in this episode.” Nice to see that the Model Railroader sense of humor trickles down to the family as well. About using the mini-plums as a load, paint them green, and they’ll fill in nicely as “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” pods.

way to earn your keep Cody…

Great job as always. Really liked seeing the in-progress shots of David’s layout. I hope we will see more of it.