Modeler's spotlight video for March 12, 2009 -- Inside Cody's office

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Modeler’s spotlight video for March 12, 2009 – Inside Cody’s office

Cody - Where can I purchase a set of “Cody’s Office” paper cups? Perhaps you could do a collectors series of cups featuring differnt beard growth.

Greetings Cody,

I like the piece about the Steam engine wheel. I am ,after all this time, still impressed at just how BIG these train engines really are. My son watches and plays with Thomas the Tank Engine and I like seeing his eyes just light up when we are next to real steam or diesel trains.

As a design element for that hallway - COOL!


I know I am in the minority with being a slot car enthusiast with very little railroad on my layout, but any sort of sixties carnival or midway items work well with the auto racing theme and would be appreciated. I use a lot of the scenery ideas as I continue to build Brooklands Speedway, and now have started the city of Cherrington Park using Atlas, Lionel, and Aurora HO slot car track and accessories. I know that there are a number of slot car enthusiasts that add scenery to their tracks as well, so ideas that would tie in there may help find more readers for the magazine too.

Great job Cody, I really enjoy your weekly episodes, they are very informative and real nice to see the products out of the BOXES. That makes a good selling point. And makes me think more about starting an HO layout. I really liked that hallway photo. It’s got me thinking about blowing up some of NS loco photo’s to cover some empty wall space in my train room. Keep up the good work.

Tell us about the theme and trailing music of your show Cody. Name, if it has one, group that plays it and name of group, composer, and anything else that’s appropriate…if it’s permissible.

Great episode cody!
Out of interest, how are your current modeling projects going?
Continue to keep producing great episodes of Cody’s Office

Great hall photo. It is a good reminder of how large the prototypes really are.

Doesn’t anyone know anything about the large drive wheel other than it belongs to a train???

Nice job Cody,

I noticed the desktop picture on your computer. It looks like a Southern locomotive.

LOCL (love of Cody’s laughs.)

I know this has nothing to do with this week’s episode, BUT, when will we see a video of the MR&T layout and maybe an op session on it as well?

It never ceases to amaze me how awesome those steam locomotives were. As a child I would stand on an overpass, with my grandfather, anticipating the chugging and sounds of a train passing beneath. Of course you would have to protect your eyes from the cinders blowing out of the smoke stack and that wonderful odor still remains vivid in my memory. I wish we could step back in time even for a brief moment.

Cody and David,

Another good start to a great year with these first two episodes.

I have read many of the viewer comments and have noticed that a number of long time modelers are like myself and have relocated to new areas of the country. Some in our armed forces have even attempted to take their hobbies with them overseas.

How about some info on the challenges of being a loyal follower of a certain road name and then having to move to areas where it is very hard to obtain needed information.

Thanks again for such a good product.


Now that you have told us about the lobby mural, now could you tell us about the one on the stairs you go up at the end of your show?

I like your breezy weekly. You and Mr. Popp do a nice job.

I’d like to echo the request to watch you build a model, a little each week. You might add something I’ve never seen in model journalism: How do you correct the little screw ups we all do. Particulary things like glue fingerprinsts and paint runs.

I grew a stash in the 60s because I kept getting carded into my late 20s (I know, I’m old.) It didn’t work but still have the stash. You don’t need the beard (unless, of course, YOU want it), because your superb modeling skills speaks volumes. You have a lot of respect from your fans out here in the wilds, beard or no beard.

Another great one! Keep it up. I will be seeing Andy next weekend as he is coming to Michigan for a photo shoot of a friends layout that was featured in the last GMR. It hopes to be presented in MR, maybe later this year.
Always enjoy your work and presentation of new produsts and ideas to improve our layouts.

Great episode Cody, thanks for the modelling tip and an explaination of the large locomotive wheel picture on the wall.

It’s nice to know about the mural but where did you get the screensaver on your desktop that was behind you in the new products sequence? Love the show, keep it going.


Another photo to blow up 1:1, would be a head on view of a GP35 or other GP heading toward the hallway.

Like Stuart I would also like to get a MR polo shirt.

Keep up the great entertainment!!

Dear Cody,

Great piece about the train wheel photo!

How about a piece where you take a model and do a little bit on it each week, like the review model you were working on? Take us from start to finish in a few week’s episodes. Show us the “details” of putting together a model and detailing it, featuring your favorite modelling techniques and tools.

PS do you have your own model railroad, and what scale is it?

Thank you - this online feature is my favorite on the MR website.

Phil Keyes