Modeler's spotlight video for March 5, 2009 -- Inside Cody's office

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Modeler’s spotlight video for March 5, 2009 – Inside Cody’s office

Cody you should have a scession on how to install MRC decoders in an N scale locomotive.


I really like the little hooks you have been using at the start of the shows. Also, will MR be selling those paper cups for use during operating sessions? :slight_smile:

I was driving over the Lancaster rail yard yesterday and as I sat in traffic I looked out over the yard and saw two of the BN covered grain hoppers that you featured in the last show. They were in need of a good wash down as the green looked like Army olive drab. Still, it was cool to see the real cars that you had shown.

Take care,

Hi Lou,

Thanks for your comments. Actually, the photo on my screen saver is Independent Locomotive Service (ILSX) 4551, an ex-Chicago & North Western GP9 painted in California Northern colors. Interestingly, ILSX also has four GP10s on its roster, all former Puget Sound & Pacific units: 1001, 1003, 1004, and 1395 (the latter is its ILSX number. I think it was originally PSAP 1002). Based on the paint scheme, I’m guessing California Northern and Puget Sound & Pacific were sister railroads?

Look for a review of the Walthers HO scale GP15-1 in an upcoming issue of Model Railroader.

Take care,

Cody Grivno
Associate Editor

I really enjoy your show, especially the lighter side! Maybe you have done them but I’ll ask anyway. Have you done any reviews for the ON30 engines from Bachmann? I would really like to see them running on your test track. I’m thinking of making the switch from HO.

Take Care


The Model Railroader binder that can be seen behind Cody G. in the product review section reminds me of a pet peeve – I have been putting my MRs in those blue binders since 1965. As the magazine got bigger so did the binders; when the magazine got thickest so did the binders. Now the magazine is shorter and narrower and also has fewer pages but the binders have not adapted – they are too tall and way too wide. Result: the magazines rattle around in the binder and get damaged when the binder is supposed to protect them. Moreover I’m running out of shelf space. Time to downsize the MR binders please!

cody great show i would like to know if they have those decoders for HO?

Enjoyed the video. Obviously, you are not superstitious. What is the significance of the colors of the umbrella you opened indoors, and what if it does bring you 7 years bad luck?

The video to kick off season two was wonderful. I couldn’t help but notice the California Northern GP15-1 on your screen saver. The CNRR tracks are just four blocks from my house and while I grew up watching the SP scarlet and grey on the same line, the CNRR locos are good looking too. I just picked up the new Walthers Proto 1000 (CNRR #108) from my local hobby shop and it looks great. Any chance you (or MR) will be doing a review of this loco soon. Thanks for your great videos.

Hey Cody,
Are you at all concerned about the new EPA rule about painting with a paint gun or air brush?

Cody, the mustache and goatee have got to go!!! Still enjoy your program and look forward to each enstallment. By the way, will the beer line project be made available on DVD in the future?

I was able to get the sound for “Cody’s Office” working on my computer - glad to have you back, Cody, in full voice!

Hi Dave and Cody. The Lenz power module demo was really interesting. I can see this being a great seller, dirty tracks, turnout issues, GONE. My question is, how much charge does this hold and for how long?

Hey Cody great show!

just a suggestion you guys should advertise on you tube for more subscribers to the magazine atlas currently is on you tube and so is BLMA models. great show! cant wait for the next one!

Two questions. The demonstration of the Power 3 module almost looked like an April Fools feature, especially with the plastic sandwich bag demo. If the meter can’t detect power across the rails, how does the decoder read a signal telling the loco to reverse? If the module simply allowed the loco to continue at the same speed and direction along dirty tracks, that would make more sense.

Also, I didn’t completely understand Cody’s demonstration of the sprayer technique. Does he really mean that by pointing the sprayer straight up the water will fall more gently onto our loose scenery materials, and if so what was the point of the umbrella? If we spray up onto a flat surface, won’t the mist form larger droplets that may do more damage than spraying directly?

Normally, I get a lot out of good info out of these videos, but this one left me somewhat puzzled.


In answer to your reply on the ILSX GP-10s, the Puget Sound & Pacific RR and the California Northern were indeed sister railroads. Both were owned by ParkSierra Rail Corp. which was later absorbed by the RailAmerica shortline group. I lived in Aberdeen, WA for several years, and was on hand when the four GP-10s first came to work for the PS&P. That was a fun railroad to watch!

Another great episode, Cody!

I wish MR&T containers were available in HO scale! And watching the scene change from the tiny N scale containers to the massive coal hopper was pretty amusing!

I will have to check out those Lenz decoders; they would certainly help with dirty track! One question though: You said they were sold in HO scale. How large is the power-storing device, and is it just a glorified capacitor with control ability?

Hi Kevin,
The Modeler’s spotlight videos will play on Macs as well as PCs. Only the Video PDFs that we sell at are unable to play on Macs.

Again another great show. Always look forward to seeing what your going to do next. Its great to see the “out takes” that show even when doing modeling it does not always go right the first time. Keep up the great wor to you and the entire MRR Staff.


I really enjoy Cody’s Corner ,I haven’t missed one yet. Keep it coming Cody.