Modeler's Spotlight Video -- Inside Cody's Office for September 23, 2010

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Modeler’s Spotlight Video – Inside Cody’s Office for September 23, 2010

hey cody i will try makeing a fencing for my farm

The demonstration of erecting a wood pole and wire fence was great. Fences in a rural setting add an immeasurable note of detail and realism. One thing which would add realism to your fence is either box strainers and the ends and corners or one of the various other devices that us rural people use to alleviate the consequences of the physics of stretching wires on fences over long distances. (Maybe if we had Pro Tech Pro Line pole line in full scale those problems would disappear!)
Andrew Bruce, Denmark, Western Australia

Hi Cody,

Nice show as always. It seems that we here in The Netherlands can view your weekly video always the first. What time is it put on line? It’s Sept. 22 at 21:07 hrs now here (Greenwich time -1).
To morrrow autumn begins. Do you have nice tips for the autumn colors for our model trees?
Greetings from Holland.


How would you unglue somthing like a building (TOMIX) that comes pre glued?

Over the years I have had railcars and builds that I would like to redo or kitbash etc. but, the buildings or cars are preglued from the manufacure.

Could you please do a demo on this if you know how to unglue somthing like this.


You can also air brush, paint bomb etc. your string line before you use it. Use a 24" long 2"x4" with a few finish nails in on on the ends of one long flat side and then loom the string back and forth from nail to nail. When done re role the string back onto the spool. I use this to weahter light fishing line but this should work for almost any string type product.

I just got my “N” scale Athearn DTI PS 2600 hopper in the mail this week, great little model.

Looking to get industrys 4 along the tracks when it show up at my local hobby shop Roy’s Train World in Mesa Az.


Just watched you demo of installing fence line. Being a lazy modeler, why not paint the line prior to installation.

I am an Aussie, currently in Chama, NM. The friendliness of the people is unbelievable. Just walking around the yard, I was offer information, and was shown areas, not normally accessible.

?? Is it the Aussie accent or is it the friendliness of the volunteers. Noticed the same at Scranton PA and the Horseshoe curve, and several other places I have visited (33 States in 58 day).

One thing missing when looking for museums is signage… it is almost impossible to find.

Loving this trip.


I would like to visit MR’s home and see the MRT. I know you have published the times, however I cannot locate that info.

(You may edit my comments to fit available space)

Hi Cody,

I loved that last out take! That was a great magic trick! Maybe you should get a little piece of scrap wood and put it under the legs of your desk so stuff doesn’t keep rolling off.

I was wondering if that red car that you were standing in front of when you were showing us your new parking lot is your car. If not, was your car in the shot at all? Can we see it?

Have a great week!


P.S. The beard looks great! A little bit longer would be OK with me, too.

Let me see. EPISODE 92, SEASON 3:

“Thanks for writing in Daniel. We’ve had a lot of people asking for tours of the MR&T online. Right now we’re working on a major project thats under wraps. But later This Summer, we guarantee that there will be a video tour of the MR&T”

I do believe that Summer is over, so when will we get our video tour? :stuck_out_tongue:

BTW, brilliant show! I also noticed plexiglass plaques all along the MR&T. What exactly are they? Again, awesome job!

Good Show Cody!
Paint markers also work great for coloring the wire on fences.
Thanks once more.

Thanks Cody! Enjoyed the fence demonstration. Be blessed!

Cody, as much as I hate to admit it in the opening sequence it sure looks like you’re delivering pizza.

Another fun Show Cody.
If you weather that parking lot you will create a shortage of weathering powders and chalks. :slight_smile:

great video cody, even the tongue twiessers oops. thk u crt/friends

A new Industries Along the Tracks book by Jeff Wilson? Looks like my shopping list for Trainfest 2010 just got its first item.

great show the improvements to the web site are great too


Harry here in Colorado Springs …

Does any of the model train manufactuers produce the D&RGW Club car for the past Ski Train that ran out of Denver? If all fails, it means kitbashing one for our D&RGW Ski Train…


As always: informative, lucid, light but serious, not a wasted word, and a warm friendly style. The camera and editing work are superb. From the opening theme music–bright and brisk-- to the closing out-takes, these mini-videos offer a refreshing look at what’s up and “how-to” with model railroading. The opening credits stlil always get a smile from me: “Filmed entirely on location in Wisconsin.”

The rolling railcar gag was well done. Thanks for the laughs!

Great tip for the fence! I will have to give it a try when I start my model railroad. Now, I have a question. How does one go about removing decals that have had Solvaset applied without removing the paint underneath? I am trying to re-decal a passenger car, but I don’t want to ruin the paint job and start completely over.

Thanks for an excellent show and keep 'em coming!