Hi All!!
I am thinking of custom painting a Canadian National c44-9w, but I have a few questions. I would like to know which brand of paint you would reccomend to use for the red, black and white. Also, is it true that Athearn’s C44-9W does not have the correct cab for a Canadian National C44-9W? And last but not least, which decal set from Microscale can I use for it. Thank you in advance for your help!
yes the athearn unit has the wrong cab (at least for the number and paint it it in) it has the NA map scheme and a early number wich means it should have the 4 window widecab.
Thanks for the advice, can you by chance tell me which shade of red I should use?
The Athearn and Kato C44-9W cab is incorrect for the first CN order, which had a 4-window cab similar to the previous cowl-carbody C40-8Ms. Subsequent orders had a 2-window cab that differs slightly from the Athearn and Kato - the same cab appeared on Dash 9s for Hammersley Iron in Australia. Both these cabs are available from Kaslo Shops - http://www.kasloshops.com
For CN Red I start with Polly Scale SP Scarlet and add a few drops of GTW Morency Orange. For earlier units that are more orange I use the same colours, but go heavier on the orange.
If you don’t feel like mixing, try Testors Model Master Chevrolet Engine Red, available in enamel and in acrylic.
The window difference in the later models is that the windows aren’t square-they go down at the sides like GMD engines.
The microscale decals say the engine name you need. Just a matter of finding it.
That, and that the earlier models had four windshields instead of two. The first order had cabs similar to those of the C40-8Ms.
The only CN engines with cabs like the Athearn and Kato C44-9W are the blue LMS C40-8Ws. Good excuse to buy an Atlas C40-8W though…[:o)]