Modeling NE. Louisiana railroads


I am modeling the railroads in northeast Louisiana The time I am trying to model is in the early 90s. If anyone has any info on modeling KCS/Midsouth and Ashley Drew & Northern railroads please help. I would also like to get some info on how to build gp10s.


I model KCS on my layout. I may be able to help you.

See if you like these pics. Some are from my layout and some are from the KCS yard near my home.

If you want prototypa shots, I have some of those also.

Ashley Drew & Northern. prototype & model track plans with large
plywood and paper mills. Model Railroader Feb81 p.110

10 page article on Ashley Drew & Northern Railroad Modeler May75 p.40

There is a fellow I think named TAD who has an Ashley Drew and Northern layout who posts frequently on the N scale forum. You might oughta hunt him up—