You won’t need much more information than is presented in the photograph.
You won’t need much more information than is presented in the photograph.
LOL, so was there once a railroad, or did they run out of money building it, and built 50-ft of track and got one engine?!(that has happened, the KCS in the 19th century was supposed to go through Kansas, and you can see the grade by the ATSF for a while, no trains ever ran on it-ran out of money)
Google is your friend:
Duh, and I thought I new all about odd railways in the world… like the coal mine railroad on Spitsbergen / Svalbard, the Bermuda railway and the locomotive at, I believe, one of the Acores Islands. You learn something new every day.
Marc Immeker
about your signature. i thought you were talking about today until it said that socrates said it.
Yeah, but have things really changed?
Marc Immeker
nope, but worse.
Hmmm, according to the National Geographic I saw in the barber sahop, most of Iceland is volcanic. So if you are going to model the whole Icelandic railroad system (which I understand to mean ‘no selective compression’), you should start by gaining title to Yellowstone National Park. At HO scale (1/87 real life) it should be about big enough.