Modeller, Runner or Collector

I guess I’m probably more like a collecter then anything else. Though I build and upgrade models when time permits.
I really like seeing my trains run, but I’m not really into building a layout at the moment.


I think it is much more difficult to separate modelers from runners and from collectors than the initial post suggests. Most of us have been all three at one time or another in the hobby and many are honestly all three at the present time. I will agree that there are some true collectors who have no goal beyond owning and displaying a specific type of locomotives or rolling stock (there’s even a group out there whose interest centers around collecting only pickle cars!). However, any separation between modelers and runners would be very difficult to define. Certainly, if you have ever at sometime built at least a partially completed layout you will have been running on it. Even if you are currently just a member of a club and lack any home layout you’ve probably done some modeling on the club’s effort so these areas are not really separable.

A much clearer demarcation is to be found in the area of operators vs. runners. Interestingly and despite what the polls and posts here continually seem to suggest, the far more statistically significant surveys by MR and others have always indicated runners outnumber operators in this hobby by at least 5 to 1. I might add that this is essentially the same ratio one finds for DC vs. DCC layouts, making me wonder if there is some sort of a tie-in there.


I’m all 3.

I guess I’m a mutt. A little bit of each!

Definitely a runner.

I recall several years ago reading that a collector who never runs what he has, is like a man with a harem taking a vow of celibacy! [;)][:P]