Reader Poll – January 22, 2004

How many locomotives do you think you’ll purchase this year? Please vote then share your comments below.

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I plan on adding 2 this year…but the Gods can be mischief!!

I plan on adding two loco’s to my LS indoor Borracho Springs RR

Both large scale Bachmann Spectrum’s , the 0-4-0 Porter and the 2-6-0 industrial mogul

I was supposed to pick these up last year, but as soon as I had the $$ for the indy I saw that MDC was clearing out thier LS Hustlers and Speeders at 50% off so 2 hustlers and 2 speeders later, no $$ left for the Indy. Same story with the Porter got the money before Xmas, when out shopping found that Marshall’s was selling LGB stuff at clearance prices, so 3 Lgb Porters and 8 flat cars later, that $$ are gone.[V]

So I didnt get what I planned, but I also took advantage of some scereaming good deals.
The biggest problem I have now is that I’m running out of room, really fast![:D][8D][:D][8D]

Ok, I’ve just bought my Athearn VIA P42
I’ve got both Proto 2 D&H PA’s on order.
& I’ve got my eye on a couple of Athearn SD40-2’s in Rock Red & Yellow livery that will become part of WERD Locomotive Leasing.
Maybe, depending on funds, I might buy a couple more.
Time will tell. [:)]


I added seven last year, so… this year may be different… I have only identified two that I am planning on getting, but the year is young.

I’ll be adding the new BLI C&O T (2-10-4) and possibly 2 narrow gauge shays this year.

I bought one Kato SD80MAC NS this year and an Atlas Dash 8-40B NS last year. I like the Kato’s performance over the Atlas, but I also like the fact that with Atlas I don’t have to glue everything on. I think in the future though I may buy more Kato and maybe some Athern Genesis.

I’m a steam-only freak, and I am only interested in top-of-the-line DCC-ready big steam. Unfortunately, I have champagne taste and a beer budget, so probably only one engine in the near future- the N&W Class A 2-6-6-4 from Broadway Limited. Whoot whoot! [swg]

Said seven to ten, but with upwards of fifteen needing decoders and only one with DCC, that number could greatly reduce.

None. I need to add structures. Union station is tops on my list.

Oh Boy! Do I need a Dr. or what!! Well, a year long project of a major overhaul and a flush pocketbook (at least this year) and high hopes for two Big Boys, one Streamliner and one Switcher. Ye Gads! Don’t let my wife read this! (lol)

I voted 1-3 but then realized I have already purchased but not received 4 plus there at least 2 more that I just have-to-have!. I don’t know why I am buying more when I already have way more than I need but then I could find worse things to spend my money on.

Maybe one UP road unit and one BN for yard and switching work. Depends on how far the $ goes for layout construction and a new power pack.

I am currently building a No. Central Arizona (Flagstaff) logging RR module circa 1890’s. Seven to ten may be a bit optimistic, due to the limited availability and already have a couple 4-4-0 American kits to construct, but I always err on the high side.


[;)][;)]Already have nine steamers and one diesel switcher. I indicated no purchase but maybe the Broadway forward sure would look nice.

[?][sigh]I voted zero, but I sure like the Broadway Limited S.P. Cab Forward, even though modelGreat Northern. When I was little remember cab forwards in operation in LA.

I’m planning on purchasing 2 N switchers within the next couple of months. I have no plans for other engines at this time, but if something catches my fancy…


My roster will be complete with a pair of undec Stewart f-7’s with dual headlamps (possible this year)[:D]
A matching Alco models brass shark to go with the one I already have. (maybe this decade)[:)]
And a center cab 60 ton Whitcomb, in plastic! (maybe in my lifetime!)[:0]
So if the model railroad Gods smile on me.,[bow] I will get 3, maybe 4.
If not, at least the F units,and I’ll be happy![:D]

Of the current selection of locomotives I’ve got all I’m going to buy. However, if they come out with something I’m looking for then it could be up to 4.

Well, since i have 6 on order already, i’ll have to go wiht the 10+ one.
