Being an introspective sort of guy, I find myself pondering such questions as "Why do I do what I do?’ and “Why is it that I do what I do for different reasons than other people who do it, too?”
I am a dedicated model railroader - there is no doubt - all evidence is that I’m an addict to this hobby. Yet, I am not a railfan - not even a little. I ride tourist railroads like any other tourist, and I enjoy watching a passing train like most folks do, but I do not enjoy studying trains. I have no interest in the way railroads operate, or how they evolve as corporations. When I look at prototype railroads and railroad equipment it is purely from the perspective of building credible models.
I don’t limit myself to model railroading, either. I’ve enjoyed building a miniature house (dollhouse, but more of a model than toy), model cars, boats, aircraft, etc. What I find is that my true interests are in building models, and that the prototypes are only important in that I want to represent them accurately/credibly.
I’m also an active participant in the forums and I see that many other participants are railfans as well as modelers. So, how do you describe yourself as a model railroader - railfan who builds models, model builder who chooses railroads as subject matter, somewhere in between, or something else entirely?
Ground rule: Let’s not turn this into a thread about who’s doing it right/better.