Anybody into modern metro catenary modeling? I’ve recently come across some prototype information concerning the cat structures that may be of interest to the “rivet counters”. Let me know and I will gladly share what I’ve got.
Howdy, Jack,
Don’t know how ‘modern’ 1964 is - especially since my catenary is 1500VDC, not the higher-voltage commercial-frequency AC that was the at-the-time ‘new construction standard.’
When I reach that stage in the detailing process, I’ll be modeling the catenary infrastructure from photos I took back in the '60s. The actual contact and messenger wires will be virtual, but all else will be JNR standard.
Thanks for the offer. I’m sure there are other modelers out here with juice-burners who will be able to make good use of it.
Chuck (Modeling Central Japan in September, 1964 - with steam, diesel and catenary locomotives)
that’s too bad really, with what I have you wouldn’t have needed the photos. But Nippon is different in many ways, good luck and post some photos when you get it up, I’d love to have a look and see what is different than N. America.