Some years back, I saw a photo of an experimental steam locomotive some company was trying out. Apart from the cylinders and connecting rods on the wheels it actually looked like a diesel in body. Does anyone know what ever happened to it? How the tests worked out?
Sir, If you can give us an around date I have some reference books I can check.
I can’t really recall offhand, I think it could have been something in the middle eighties but I’m really not sure.
Sounds like you’re talking about the “ACE 3000”. Never got past testing a few components in former C&O 4-8-4 614. Financial support didn’t materialize. Check early and mid-1980s. ACE=American Coal Enterprises.
I agree, it probably was the ACE 3000. Check out
For details and a shop drawing
I recall seeing a photo of a frame with drivers in Railroad/Railfan. Model Railroader, I think, published drawings of the proposed prototype.
Dave Nelson
Thanks for the info guys, that was the loco I was thinking about. It seems to have had a lot going for it, I wonder why it wasn’t pushed further.