Can someone send me pictures of the Modesto Empire Traction area from GalloWines through the industrial district including the area around the huge warehouse buildings all the way to the container loading yard. Pictures in and around the engine work shop are also needed. I lived in Modesto during the 80s and preside in Stockholm, Sweden now.
You’ve probably seen all of these, but others who are interested in the MET may not.
Trevor Marshall wrote two excellent articles on the MET in the October and November 2007 issues of Railroad Model Craftsman. There are a number of photos with those articles of some of the areas you mention.
The railroad’s own website also has a nunber of photos and other information. Neat little railroad! Good luck with your research.
I grew up in Modesto in the 1960’s and am modeling an industrial district loosely based on 9th street. The ME&T didn’t run on 9th street. That was the Western Pacific/Tidewater Southern before UP took over. Those tracks are now abandoned. The ME&T does serve the big industrial district in the Beard Industrial tract on the Southeast section of town (you probably know this). ME&T had a booming container business at their Empire BNSF connection yard (early 2000’s) before the larger railroad took over the business and ME&T yard was recently abandoned.
My current layout includes the Tidewater Southern trestle over the Tuolumne river, an industrial scene (canneries along B street) and scene along HWY 99 through the valley (see my railimages for pics.)
Sources? Check the Western Pacific sites for photos, check google maps and type in addresses of the industries in question. The recent street views will come up (very cool). I was dismayed to find that buildings along 9th street that are on my scratchbuilding list were recently torn down…Shoulda took the pics when I had the chance. Try contacting Railroad phiotographer Ted Benson (Modesto Resident and Bee photographer) through the Modesto Bee newspaper, he might have some ideas.
Contact the ME&T office and ask for the little booklet that they give to visitors (I got one in 2000- on an NMRA tour of the line)…Lots of pics in it. The McHenry Library has a history room… you might try contacting them for info. You might also contact the Beard Industrial district, they may have maps etc.
Well there is a post that only a few can relate to. I have some photos (not as many as I’d like to have)that I could send you. Contact me offlist if you are interested in the pics or i