Monster Garage Hi-railer

Wondering if anyone watched the show last night(6/28/04). I only caught the last few minutes when what appears to be a small dodge car converted to a hi-railer, complete with cow catcher, dragraces a steam loco at Jamestown on the Sierra. the car derailed and the steam loco actually won.


Watched it, jessy lifted the wheels though, derailing It. that Jim dude was a ideot. i think thay should have raced a modern loco, like a Dash-9.

Brand new…I believe they said 2005 Dodge and when they redo a vehicle in their programs they make no effort to reclaim the parts they rip off…Just toss them out and onto the cement floor with no regard of saving them…I’m sure someone somewhere could use the new removed parts in a repair job, etc…I know Jessie is not one to “save” anything…Forward and onward, damned the cost. That was a Hemi engined vehicle too. Guess I remember days of the depression and that still sticks in memory in regards of waisting anything of value.

Sounds like a waste of time likely to give idiots who think they can go out and run vehicles on the RR some dangerous and bad ideas.


Darn, I’l have to watch for that in reruns, as that would be neat to see.


Bring on the idiots in their new rail vehicles!!! We could use a little thinning of the population anyways![}:)][oX)][#wstupid]

Darn, I made myself a note but forgot about the show!

The car was a 2005 Dodge Magnum RT.

You said it LC, monkey see monkey do, I just know someone out there is gonna try this at home. [:-,][:-,]

LC and macguy,

This episode was first advertised as having an air or showing date of a week or two earlier. When it was replaced with a different episodeduring that time I thought the railroads, FRA, Operation Lifesaver, or some other power-to-be had encouraged the Monster Garage folks to can the Hi-rail episode.

My thinking was the same as yours about copy cats but hopefully the expense of such modifications will prevent this from happening.


In the of these posts 5 different idiots have started creating their rail running creation. And one of the 5 is heading toward an engineer like you…

And thus starts the beginning of the RAil section of Darwin Awards!!!

Usually it will be shown again on the friday of the same week. I always tape Monster house, monster garage, and my fav, American Chopper. Dang it if i didnt tape three hours of the weather channel instead of the discovery channel. grrrrrr.
A tlc show junkyard wars did a show last year where they had to make “trains” that could tow something.
One was a mustang that they turned into a high rail truck, and the other was a speeder they made out of a golf cart. Didnt see to many news stories about people doing stupid stuff after that.


Most of them would rather have a barbeque on the tracks…

Well it sounds hilarious that the Dodge actualy lost because it couldn’t dtay on the rails hehehehehehehe.
ONE for the old steamer, ZERO for the late dodge.

Modelcar; don’t worry about the parts that they throw out on the floor, it’s a 2005, they are still mass producing those parts faster then they can be disposed of. It would be different if it was outdated parts that dont get made anymore or very limited production stuff.

I would love to make something like that. But, I would use a vehicle that better fits me. Like an old BMW Isetta 600, or a 2004 Ford F650 Super CrewZer. Nothing fast.


Unfortunately, I don’t get Discovery, so I missed this, but I have seen the Junkyard Wars episodes and taped them. I love that show and before those shows always hoped that they would have to make a railroad vehicle. The show Adrian is talking about is the American one. On the British version of the show they also did the same thing. One team used a London taxi with flanged wheels built out of old rims, which fell apart when it went through switches. The other team that won had a really weird thing with a motorcycle powering it. Great stuff!

CW & I watched that one. What can I say,but: “VERRRRY INTERESTING”!

…Yes, I realize it’s a new vehicle just appearing on the streets, etc…but my point is I do not like to see things of value wasted…That’s all. And ripping off the parts from the new vehicle and purposely throwing them out clanging on the cement floor…[which is done on purpose to install excitement],…in my opinion is just destructive, but that’s show business.
I’d rather see big Paul Sr. [of Orange County Choppers], throw a stool or something foolishly at son Paul Jr…Those guys are something else too. I don’t know how they ever get anything done.

That is one heck of a track speeder, Ain’t it ???

I saw this and at the end the Dodge derailed.