[personally,I like large artic. loco,s and don1t understand what was kept and what was left out! the allegany was a loco like none other. I`m personally coing narrow gauge HOn3[:D][:D]
Actually, if I was to buy a “Monster” loco, it would be a cab forward to pull all my reefers.
And I would only run it on a club layout with big curve radii-my home minrad is 25".
In the Monster class, I already run one UP SD90MAC (I would like a couple more !) and a DD40 is in the paint shop. I am not a steam fan but I consideer the yet-to-come Genesis Challenger as aMuseum feauture or an Excursion train puller.
Québec City
The big engines are nice to look at and great to watch as they run, but how many have layouts big enough to properly justify having the big monster engines? I would rather see the manufacturers produce good quality (Broadway Limited type) smaller engines such as 2-6-2, 2-6-0, 2-8-0 with sound, DCC, etc. Makes more sense to have small, good quality steam engines for the majority of the layouts which don’t have room for the monsters.
What about some nicely (and reasonably priced) n scale cab forwards, centipedes, and a NYC box cab electric?
I would change my vote to the BIG BOY locomotive, because I think they look cool
The GG-1 was probably selected because it was birthed during the era of steam and was still in service when steam was all but gone. [:D] I’d vote for Pennsy’s T1 even though only 2 or 3 were built at the end of the steam era.
Bachmann Spectrum has the most accurate DD40AX HO scale in plastic. Athearn’s model is closer to a DD35A. all it needs is 2 small cooling fans to replace 2 of the large ones[:D]
The W1. Great Northern’s largest electrics. A pair would be perfect!
Definiately Challenger. been up close with Union Pacific #3985 and was simply in total awe of the locomotive. Have also been close to Centennial #6936 also was impressed with it too. Will possibly be purchasing one of each of them when possible in the future when layout gets made.
Not really large…but how about the other “Kruass Maffie” (spelling) the hood unit in Ho? Yes I know there was a brass version, but come on, not all of us can afford the brass…Blank or with a road name…oh also that runs well…
I’d go for a GN artic and/or a CP Selkirk - both have been done in brass but a good plastic one would be great.
Worcester. Eng.
None of the above. I would like to see QUALITY 4-4-0’s and 2-6-0’s. A non-UP Challenger would be nice. In the last two years we got a high quality 2-8-8-2 and 2-6-6-6 in HO with a promise of a 2-6-6-2 within a year. The big locos have been coming but there is much to be desired at the low end of the spectrum.
Why buy anything with a UP logo? I say boycott UP models until UP backs off on their ridiculous licensing demands! That might apply to the fallen flags as well.
From what I am told both BNSF and UP are doing licensing on using their name.
Your Polls do the hobby a severe injustice. By not allowing people to vote for what they want you can conclude that there is a demand for a product that doesn’t exist. Marketing polls are extremely complex to avoid leading the consumer. At least put an “Other” category in them.
I voted for the GG1 of which I have two in N scale, but I go ape when I see a J1. The Jays may be too big for my layout, but should be at home on my NTrak club’s layout which has better curves.
An M1 may not be as much of a monster, but I woudn’t mind one of them too.
QUOTE: Originally posted by ndbprr
Your Polls do the hobby a severe injustice. By not allowing people to vote for what they want you can conclude that there is a demand for a product that doesn’t exist. Marketing polls are extremely complex to avoid leading the consumer. At least put an “Other” category in them.
This wasn’t meant to be a multiple choice examination - merely a poll. Obviously, if there were as many categories as there were railroads, fallen flags or current, there wouldn’t be any chance to figure out where to vote.
I don’t see where you were not (or were compelled) to vote for any of the ones offered. Seems to me that you were content in pointing a finger instead of adding your own category. I’m sure the editors wouldn’t be so high-handed as to say your choice was outside the boundaries of the poll.
Sorry guys, none of the above also. I am a B&O fan. As you probably would guess, either EL3 - 5 or EM1 would be the locos of choice. One could also make a case for S1a’s. (for those not of the “domer” persuasion, 2-8-8-0, 2-8-8-4, and 2-10-2)
paul m