Now for those of you that read Mookie’s Musings and everything else she writes, you will recall a post, could have been an hour, a day, a week, a decade a go, I’m really bad at time perception.
Mookie wanted to know what the Railroad Term CCC is.
And I joked around and Thoguh it was Si Si Si sinore-
Thats not a very Railroad explination, But i stumbled upon the answer, that really i knew all along.
CCC- Is defined in the Canadian Pacific Railway book as “Côntole Circulation Centralisé.” OR as everyone In english calls it, including myself, Centralized Traffic Control or CTC.
Now why they would have a french sign in nebraska, is somewhat beyond me, but that is the Railraod definiton of CCC.
Hey Mookie. I was ralfanning by Hobson Yard on Saturday and saw a red dodge ram and a white ford explorer. I believe both were railfans. Was one of them you?
no - neither is da Mook. I am usually in a silver/gray/bronze - depending on what the sun is doing that day - 2002 Buick Century. Sit at east end of yard. Mookie would need a ladder and a good set of hands around her tail to get into either one of those! Which end were you on? (east or west, not tail end) or were you just ripping past like the rest of the world on the north or south?