" Moon Amtrak Day "

Yesterday on MSNBC I saw just a few seconds of something called “Moon Amtrak Day.” They showed a picture of about 2 dozen people mooning an Amtrak Train. I do not like the idea of it at all![:(!] I was wondering if any of you have heard anything about it.

I don’t pay any attention to what PMSNBC is spewing. I did go to their website and did a search and got http://www.moonamtrak.org/

This is just another classic example of what happens when a bunch of liberals get together. They’ve got nothing better to do than pull their pants down. If Amtrak had windows that rolled down I’d throw tomatoes at each and every one of them.


I saw it a few years ago on the Discovery Channel or one of those history channels. I ,myself, thought it was pretty funny. From what I had understood it has been going on for a while.

Brian (KY)

Never though to moon Amtrak, but did have a crew moon our control tower. Kinda funny, we still laugh, because the yardmaster suggested to one of them, (a rather hairy guy)on the radio that he should put curlers in the hair on his rear end. We have been calling him Curly ever since.
Stay Frosty,

I read some stuff about this. It happens on the San Diego line (originally in the vicinity of some bar) every year. It’s gotten bigger every year (the event, I mean).

Ed, it works the other way, too…one of my fellow towermen has mooned passing engineers from the tower.

There will be a full moon tonight…

Several years back, a trainman mooned one of the yard engineers. Funny! That afternoon, the engineer went to one of those joke or gag shops and brought his little surprise in the next day. At an appropriate time, he pulled a “super moon” out already inflated and stuck it out the window of his engine.(just picture a 400 pound man mooning). It was a scream! A car up on the Interstate ran into the jersey wall at the same time, but that may not have been related.

This is the Libs way of “FEELING AMTRAKS PAIN”!![:D]

it started as a freindly bar bet.
stay safe

Thanks for all of the information and great stories!


haha curlers

Some people don’t have enough to do.

I saw something like this up around Tomahawk, Wisconsin. A friend I was riding with got pissed when we were suddenly mooned by a passing car. Pulled a Luger and shot the mooner thru’ both cheeks. I’ve often wondered how he explained it at the hospital.

That is hilarious!! Would have been one helluva sight to see.

Well … not exactly a mooning story but some years ago I was riding the Royal Hudson excursion train out of North Vancouver (a great ride and great locomotive; now discontinued :frowning: One great thing about the ride: it was OK to hang out the dutch doors and get shots around curves!
At one point the conductor said we were passing a well known nude beach
So many people crowded onto the left side of the coach I was afraid we might tip over.

Dave Nelson

Yesterday on MSNBC I saw just a few seconds of something called “Moon Amtrak Day.” They showed a picture of about 2 dozen people mooning an Amtrak Train. I do not like the idea of it at all![:(!] I was wondering if any of you have heard anything about it.

I don’t pay any attention to what PMSNBC is spewing. I did go to their website and did a search and got http://www.moonamtrak.org/

This is just another classic example of what happens when a bunch of liberals get together. They’ve got nothing better to do than pull their pants down. If Amtrak had windows that rolled down I’d throw tomatoes at each and every one of them.


I saw it a few years ago on the Discovery Channel or one of those history channels. I ,myself, thought it was pretty funny. From what I had understood it has been going on for a while.

Brian (KY)