This is around the time before or after the UP merger takeover of the Moapc.
I know there was plenty of costomers along this line before the takeover,I do remember that. But,Was it the Mopac,or was it the UP that caused most of the Business along this line to go away? Just how many Business’s where still being served by the Mopac? I know there had to been alot. The Business was there so what caused this lines death? I have growen so fond of this line over so many years,but now it has been gone for over 20 years now. I am truly saddend that so many Rail lines have been abandoned or torn up in htis country. I keep thinking of the wounderfull Passenger Trains that ran these lines. But now there all gone. How can the Railroads servive when they keep abandoning lines? And for one thing I know there was plenty of it. Is it the Railroads? Or is it just a freak of nature? Thanks,Allan.
The customers stopped shipping on the railroads and with the mergers the railroads gained more direct routes to those customers that do ship.
Dave H.