More bench pics

Well just about ready to get started with layout.
Benchwork is covered with 11/2" to 2" foam (yea I know…but homasote is only 1/2" and I just wanted to make sure I had enough for terrain changes and river.
Boy just wish I had a layout plan…Trash can full of them,but I can get a visual now so should make it easier.
Made the legs out of 3" pvc spared with a textured paint

Any comments or Ideas welcome!

Looks pretty well-engineered to me!

You must have some idea of a trackplan. Maybe being able to lay track on the benchwork will help you decide on where to go next.

Great legs, too!!

Darrell, quiet…for now

“Benchwork is covered with 11/2” to 2" foam"

You kind of lost me there, is it 11 sheets of 1/2" foam? Either way it looks great, well it makes me sick as well because it is so well done.

I have a idea![:D] Come to Maryville IL and give me a hand![:)]

I am from Indy, well Carmel IND and sure could use some help with the wood working stuff. Big gear head yes, Bob Villa no.

How much is the stuff a sheet? i have been reading and that will be the way I go on the next section. Hope it will be around 7’ X 15’ or so. Kind of a fraid of the answer. Never priced the stuff.

Cuda Ken

The blue foam is 1 1/2" basment panels that are 2’x8’ I bought 3 damaged panel for $5.00 each.
The Pink I got from Home Depot 1 4x8 1 1/2" on sale for $12 and 1 4x8 2" on sale for $18 I also bought those with damaged edges for 25% off. So be sure to look for those damaged pieces and just run them through a table saw for that good as new look [;)]

You could have posted your plans here and we could have helped.

One comment. Your track is very close to the backdrop. You are not leaving much room for scenery and/or industries.

Don’t remind me I originally planed for a double main line on the upper area but soon realized there won’t be enough room for a hill side, There is 1 1/2" space between upper deck and backdrop.
I not using a Cad program for the layout just scratching on paper and laying track out to see what it looks like…it will put the word FREE in Freelance design. Seem to have it all in my head…somewhere!!!

Ok going back and stare at the bench for couple more hrs, Did I read somewhere you should have a GOOD plan first???[:p] I like doing it this way though.
Today I’m going run a couple new 20 amp curcuits 1 for the new track lighting and one for trains. Whoo Hooo a plan!!!

Nothing wrong with pencil and paper.

If you want to go with 1:1, photocopy a bunch of turnouts both left and right, cut them out, and see how they layout (pun intended.)