My logging crews needed some neighbors so I just finished the second “set off house” AKA “skid shack.” It is a little different but follows the basic layout of the prototype.
I have a long way to go before I can recreate this scene on the Little River RR in the Great Smoky Mountains.
Doc Tom and the Little River Rail Road in Tennessee
Another 3 Feet and a Bridge on the Little River Rail Road.
The unseasonably mild winter has had the construction crews out at work on the Little River RR mainline. Another 3 feet of curved large scale track has been laid in Nelson’s Gap high in the Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee.
To cross a creek branch running in to Nelson’s Gap the intrepid workman used a log crib bridge like this one from the 1920’s.
The logs created a very strong tower and the stringers were also built from rounded logs.
In looking at these photos the log crib pier may be a little too high…about 15 scale feet.
I would love to hear from model rail road engineering folks as to the appropriateness of this pier. I could always build up the creek bed to shorten the pier if need be.
Doc Tom and the Little River Rail Road in Tennessee
I just did not feel the log tower looked right at all. It certainly is way too high for the prototype pictures I have seen for the Little River RR.
So, I just exercised a little modeler’s license and raised the bottom of the little creek bed. Now the tower is about 6-8 scale feet tall and looks better to me.
Doc Tom learning as he goes.
Doc Tom and the Little River Rail Road in Tennessee