If I knew what box to think in I might give it a try, so I would say “Nope” not that I can recall, the funny thing is I never read the guidelines on building layouts, must have missed that post.
I’m already thinking about a section of my layout that will depict the surface of Mars and I’d like to do a whole other layout that will take a train on a journey through the human body…Now that would be cool!!!
A loooong time ago, MR did an article about a lunar railroad. I saw the magazine at our club one evening, and commented on how that would be a neat layout to build. One of the crumedgeons (who was, of course, an expert on virtually everything), responded, “but how would you know if you got it right?”
"A loooong time ago, MR did an article about a lunar railroad. I saw the magazine at our club one evening, and commented on how that would be a neat layout to build. One of the crumedgeons (who was, of course, an expert on virtually everything), responded, “but how would you know if you got it right?”
My reply:
WOW, wish I was there when that comment was made, I would have stood up and told him the truth,
“Because I’ve been there many times visiting my Mother In Law…LMTWO (laughing my train wheels off”).
Well, I gotta say your grandkids are going to love playing with that stuff. The trucks, tanks and cars you got are perfect for little hands. (I think you mentioned you had GK’s or maybe your own kids. My apologies if I got that wrong.)
I remember making a car layout for my 6 year old son and he still talks about it today. It was a simple 3X6 table just their height with brightly colored roads and cars. Perfect for kids.
Not really. My uncle uncle has a HUGE Lionel layout set up in his basement that you would swear was right out of 1954. Its very toylike but extremly fun for his grandkids to play with. He built it through the eys of a 10 year old circa 1954. Its very cool and it is fun to play with.
Now he has other prototypical layouts too, but those are meant for “adult” eyes.
"Now he has other prototypical layouts too, but those are meant for “adult” eyes.
Hummmm, now thats a layout I’d like to see…LOL!, Adult eyes only…LOL!
I once bid on an Adult Strip joint building on ebay made for HO scale train layouts, it was a bit racy but was very unusual…LOL!
I lost out on a bid for a nice Harley davidson garage…Bummer!
Kids just love the bright layouts and I like to use matchbox type cars so that the kids can’t hurt them too bad, as they get older I’ll make changes that will bring the look up a few notches, right now I want to have the layout hands on for them.
Driline I bet your son will always remember that train set, Trains are a perfect memory to share between fathers and sons.