It looked rather vanilla on my older flat screen monitor, but I switched out my main monitor for a new LED monitor. It is so bright that I need sun glasses to view it. My other monitors look like ashes next to it. But I can see shades of gray, yellow and blue in the forum that I never knew were there.
My son turned a couple of our poorly done You-Tube layout video’s on our big screen TV. We have Bose 601’s for all the surround speakers and 18" Powerfield subwoofers. I never thought HO steam engines could sound so good. They were thunderous little monsters and since they were video taped using a stereo mike The sound actually moved across the room as we watched.
Yes it is amazing what an upgrade will do for your viewing pleasure.[(-D]
I had to “adjust” to the new Flatscreen higher def screens once upon a time too!
And the new fangled Flatscreen Higher def TV in the 29" {or is it 21"?}bought about 3 years ago, is ALSO AMAZING, I can actually READ the words on the screen instead of making out shadows of words!