More than happy with switch to S scale

Some of you perhaps read several weeks ago that I was thinking of switching out of HO and into S or O scale. After considerable research I decided on S scale. I am extremely pleased with S scale. American Models Makes some very nice engines and my Pacific just arrived, and I compared it to my HO pacific and WOW! The size and weight difference is incredible. I have due in next week a Northern that measures an incredible 23 inches long! Also ordered a set of FP7 at the same time. American Models has a great line of locomotives, freight cars and passenger equipement. S Helper also is a great supplier and I have been impressed with Tomalco track. They are building code 100 flex track that will look awesome in S scale. I found out through my LHS that Tomalco holds the moldings but Mico engineering is producing the track and switches for them. The amount of structures, while not as great as HO, is still plentiful. Finally the scale works well for my room, which is 15x45. I built two layouts in the room always trying to sqeeze in that middle isle and thus having crowded walkways. Now I am planning a more simple around the wall design that will allow these big locos to show their stuff. If you are considering a switch of scales don’t rush past S scale you may be surprised! BTW thanks to the person (whom I can’t remember) who suggested S, who was that masked man?
Randy Johnson

S would be my choice if I dropped HO. What kind of selection do you have for rolling stock. Are there S scale modular building systems yet. It seems like a natural for a scale where structure kits are not plentiful.

I agree, if I ever left HO, it would be for N or S. I love the slightly bigger trains that look more prototypical than HO, whereas 3-rail O becomes too toy-like for me. I don’t find structures a problem, because i’ve found I love wood scratchbuilding.

No, there are not systems for modular building like the Walthers But there are quite a few different building suppliers out there that range from the simple like the Plasticville structures to the detailed craftsman kits so you can pick your level of comfortability. I have decided that I wanted the size of S and the loop concept; because unless you have a warehouse or model in Z scale 6 to 8 scale miles of track is about all you can pack into a room. So point to point hasn’t been very satisfing to me. With the around the wall I can leave one train running and be switching in the yard or have a way freight dodging the mainline traffic. I love the size and as far the price goes at 350 to 400 for steam in S it is not a lot more than the corrisponding in HO scale. With my ordering discount through my hobby shop My Northern will cost 300 dollars not a lot less than I paid for my Genesis loco in HO. Structures are about the same at about 25 to 30% higher than HO. When you calculate the less need for structures for the same amount of room the cost becomes comperable.
anyway I have rambled enough

I like s also, but the price of rolling stock is high per car,engines seem on a par with ho, and bars mills and american model builders do s scale kits at about the same price, but boxcars and such still seem high. also selection of boxcars is low compared to ho.but on a visual scale it looks way better.

Congratulations!! Though at my age I’ve invested FAR too much in HO to switch, were I younger and wanting to switch, S would DEFINITELY be my choice! I like the size, the bulk and the detailing, and the fact that you can still pack a lot of railroading into a designated space. Every time I go to the MR show here in Roseville, I’m always drawn to the S-scale layout. One of the salesmen at Roseville Hobbies is an avid S-scaler, and he couldn’t be happier.
Beautiful stuff. Again, congratulations!!
Tom [tup][tup]

Check this site out to see what is available in S
There are actually quite a few structures available from a number of smaller manufacturers.

With respect to price there is no economy line in S like Athearn in HO. But when you compare the higher end HO cars to S the prices are much closer and in proportion to the relative sizes.

I switched to S about 15 years ago having been in HO and O. I find it to be a real happy middle between the two.

[2c] On the subject . . .

I concur with your thoughts regarding “S” - it’s a great size and I’m enjoying mine. However, the difference is I didn’t switch from or to anything. I just added another pike to my basement trainroom(s)![swg]

HO is my primary hobby, and I expect it to remain so until . . .

I’ve Posted my thoughts about “S” many times on various Threads and it all comes down to this: what is it that YOU enjoy[?]

“S” does not have the “support system” of HO and I doubt it ever will. Manufacturers are limited - retail and web retailers are not that a abundant - accessories (figures, vehicles, structures) are rather diffiuclt to locate. And last, it COSTS! But through it all, it is a GREAT experience to “play with” those trains.[tup]

After about a year of checking out this 'n that, I concluded that there are only two manufacturers that I wanted to spend my money on: S Helper Service -and- American Models. I purchased everything through PortLInes Hobbies (on the web) and have been extremely happy with it all. Quality everything . . . and lotsa fun.

Check out these Pix for a looksee at my small S-gauge layout that hoists up into my basement storage room rafters:



I have worked with S scale (Sn3) in the past and I think it is an ideal and convenient size. It is big enough scratchbuild in, and takes a little more space than HO. Since the ratio is 1:64, standard dimensional stripwood and material can be used for scratchbuilding since it is in increments of 1/64ths. The detailing possibilities are also great. The biggest problem for me was (and still is) the availability of affordable, non-brass locomotives. All the locos made for for Sn3 (at least the ones I know about)are very pricy brass. If Sn3 had the variety of affordable locos that are available in On30, I would probably give S scale another try.

Pull out your wallet if you go S or bigger.[:D][:p][:D]

Congratulations! S is a really wonderful scale. I have just recently converted from S back to HO. As much as I prefer the operational aspects of S I just couldn’t model exactly what I wanted to do due to the smaller amount of items available.

Anyone want to buy some S equipment? Just happen to have quite a lot excess right now!!


I’ve also been intrigued by S Scale. Seeing the models in the flesh at Des Plaines Hobbies in NW suburban Chicago and at train shows has been the key. Once you see the detail, and can actually feel the heft vs. HO, S it’s hard to beat. So I’ve kept up subcriptions with S Gaugian, 1:64 Modeler and a membership in the NASG for a coupole years now. BUT, that said, I’ve been ‘sitting on the bench’ when it comes ot scale for some time, leisurely building some S structure and rolling stock kits, and some HO at the samwe time. But the clock’s ticking – I’m about 4-5 months away from finally starting in on a layout once the basement redecorating’s done later this Spring. So, you S fans out there – how about answering a couple of questions from a comparative newcomer? First: Straight talk on minimum radius for S Scale (not high rail). My space is limited (14’ 6" x 11’ 9") and every layout configuration I come up with keeps bringing me back to 28" minimum radius curves. Do-able in S? I read that the new S Helper Service 2-8-0 won’t naviagte anything under 30"+. How about S-Helper’s or American Models’ F and E units, the various diesel switchers or road switchers, or the Americna Models 4-6-2? If anyone knows or has had experience with this, I’d love to hear back. Second Question: Does anyone know anything about the Union Pacific’s awful licensing demands’ impact on S? In my case, the C&NW is the planned roadname (possibly with some SOO line backup) and I’m getting the impression that C&NW equipment is about ot become unavailable in S? Any input from S experts would be greatly appreciated.

S scale (not hirail) curve radius is 1/3 larger than HO. That is 24" becomes 32" etc. This table from NMRA gives the recommended radii for different classes of equipment. That said, most (but not all) S equipment is made in hirail and scale configurations. Since hirail stuff is made to take a 20" radius curve I would suspect that the scale version of locomotives will be close to that (my 2 S Helper diesel switchers came set up for hirail with scale wheelset replacements in the box). But changing from a truck mounted coupler to a body mounted coupler may cause problems on tight curves. My layout is has a 36" minimum radius so it’s not an issue with me although I did run my Amercian Models GG1 around some 21" radius track for Christmas one year (my Kadees are mounted on the chassis).

Since S Helper’s scale 2-8-0’s aren’t out yet, no one really knows. I saw the hirail version running on their demo layout which has curves less that 30".