Just watched a great show on public TV. The Most Beautiful Train in the World narrated by Michael Gross from Family Ties and Tremmors fame. It was a history of the SP Daylight with fantastic colorized footage and specs on the train with interveiws from old passengers and SP train personal.
The bar car profits from each run paid for the operating cost of each run.(let’s see AmTrak do that now!) I HIGHLY recommend looking for this special. Great veiwing.
P.S. Got to see three ConRail trains do switching manuvers this week at my new job.How COOl?, work, eat lunch, watch trains.LIFE IS GOOD! (jobs going GREAT too.)
We expect pictures!!! [;)]
New digital camera is already on the shopping list. I eat my lunch on the front steps of the plant which are only 25’ from the branch line. Theres a switch and a road crossing there so the trains always blow there horns when coming and stop right next to the plant to throw the switches.[;)][8D]
The Central Scrutenizer!!!?
I thought that I was the only mentally defective person in the world that likes both model trains and Frank Zappa!
Nope, there’s a few of us “out there” ( A little Green Rozetta)[:D]
The 3985 is coming here on Monday, I will be posting pictures!
Do you no what route 3985 is useing?Klamath or medford?and long is she going to be in redding??
The bar car profits paid for the operating cost for each run??? How much were they charging for drinks??? also there must have been a lot of rich drunks riding this train. These figures just don’t seem right, can you imagine the cost of fuel, taxes, wages, etc. etc. etc. I would certainly like to see the actual figures for this statement.
Appreciate the comments about the Daylight program I produced. It was a joy to find all the original color film and assemble the footage into a celebration of a GREAT train.
However, it’s the people who were willing to tell their stories that brings life to any true documentary.
The program should be showing on about 150 PBS station though out the nation.
Rich Luckin,