I got the “e” unit problem straightened out and i am working on another motor for a lionel steam. I put it on the track and it just buzzed. I thought, ok i will just play with it untill it works like last time, well it didn’t work. It just buzzes.Got any ideas of what it could be? I hope this isn’t one of those questions some one asks every month and if it is i am sorry.[:I]
Any chance it is a DC locomotive? What is the number?
No it is AC. The number on the locomotive is 2025
Hello Cheese ! Check out the wiring to make sure it is correct in case it was re-wired wrong at one time or another and maybe the motor just needs a good cleaning. If thats the case just use rubbing alchohol with q-tips on the commutator. Let it dry, Then use a pencil eraser on the commutator to polish it. Then it will be clean. Hope this helps. Let us know what happens…Keith
Can you tell whether the buzzing is from the e-unit or the motor? Does it stop if you shut off the e-unit?
It stops when i switch off the e unit
Then it is the E-unit that is buzzing. I worked on a 2025 once, and the brush’s wires come off of the E-unit lug pretty easily. Or, the brushes themselves might be shot, its cheap and easy too replace them.
“its…easy too replace them.” That’s easy for you to say, Jerry.
But seriously folks… I would next disconnect the motor from the e-unit, wire the armature in series with the field, and see whether it runs. Specifically, connect the pickup(s) to one bruerminal; and connect the other bruerminal to the field winding. The other end of the field winding should already be grounded to the locomotive frame.
Ok, i will get replacements and see if it helps. Thanks
If that does not work i will probly break down and take it to a repair shop.
Adam, you should try to bypass the e-unit as I described to be sure it’s the culprit before going to the trouble to replace or repair it. (Do you understand that the buzzing is normal?)
I know buzzing is normal but not like this. I will try to bypass it when i get some more time to work on it. I have been busy with school and my job but come summer i bet i will have it running.